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The 2010 Questy Awards Official Voting!

What ARE the Questys, you ask? Well, throw the Razzies in a blender with some comic books, a lot of self-referential humor, a broken fourth wall (that’s a showbiz term, folks…google it!), and a lot of good-natured heckling of the comics industry, and you have The Questys. Throw in some hilarious comedy by Nerdgasm Comedy, a performance by red-hot MC the Wordburglar, and some scintillating burlesque courtesy of Nerd Girl Pinups, and tons of other guests, and you have a show you won’t want to miss! And now is your chance to Vote to see who takes home the, uh, coveted awards this year!

Favourite Crossdessing Character

33% (73) Lady Deadpool
5% (13) Lady Bullseye
22% (48) Lady Gaga
13% (29) Hawkeye (Young Avengers)
24% (54) The Question

217 voters have answered this question.

Best Teaser Image

4% (9) O.M.I.T.
46% (101) Brightest Day
8% (18) Guardians of The Globe
26% (57) Avengers Relaunch
14% (32) Shadowland

217 voters have answered this question.

Best Use of Deadpool (ie Best Deadpool Single Issue, Best Deadpool Onging Series, Best Deadpool Miniseries, Best Deadpool one-shot, Best Deadpool Graphic Novel, Best Deadpool guest appearance)

22% (49) Golden Age Deadpool (Who Won't Wield The Shield)
8% (19) Doomwar
33% (73) Marvel offering a Deadpool variant for Siege #3 in exchange for stripped DC covers.
35% (76) The Questy Awards

217 voters have answered this question.

Best Mass Fanboy Panic Moment

58% (127) Disney Buys Marvel
9% (21) Chris Evans cast as Captain America
0% (2) The Return of Foilogram Covers
2% (6) The Founding of The Questy Awards
13% (29) DC's Lantern Ring Promotion
14% (32) Wolverine: Origins leaks... and then sucks anyways.

217 voters have answered this question.

Most Emo Comic Book Character

20% (45) Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
18% (41) Jason Todd (Red Hood)
30% (67) Scott Summers (Cyclops)
12% (27) Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim)
17% (37) Pretty much anyone involved in The Blackest Night (Blackest Night)

217 voters have answered this question.

Best Comic Written By Someone Not In Comics

15% (34) The Green Hornet (Kevin Smith)
12% (28) Serenity: Float Out (Patton Oswalt)
24% (53) League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Century 1910 (Alan Moore)
28% (62) Buffy The Vampire Slayer (Joss Whedon)
18% (40) Batman: The Widening Gyre (Kevin Smith)

217 voters have answered this question.

The Clint Barton "Why Would You Do That?" Award

8% (19) Clint Barton: For attacking HAMMER alone during “The List: Avengers”
10% (22) Beast: For leaving the X-Men.
16% (36) Batman: For turning into a space bush and turning his back on the Time Masters.
21% (47) Marvel Comics: For Marvel Zombies 5…why would you make this?
42% (93) Wonder Woman: For stealing Rogue’s jacket and putting on 90's Superboy's pants.

217 voters have answered this question.

Best Return From The Grave

26% (57) Bruce Wayne (Batman)
28% (61) Steve Rogers (Capt. America aka "Steve")
18% (41) Boston Brand (Deadman)
5% (12) Eobard Thawne (Prof Zoom)
8% (19) Sergei Kravinoff (Kraven The Hunter)
12% (27) Arthur Currie (Aquaman. Really)

217 voters have answered this question.

Special Award For Comic With The Most Disturbing Panel

20% (45) Crossed (pretty much the whole book)
21% (47) War Heroes (The giant wang panel)
17% (37) The Boys (The Herogasm Mini-Series)
13% (29) Supergod (Warren Ellis tries to out-Ennis, Ennis)
27% (59) Avatar Press (In retrospect, pretty much everything they put out)

217 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-08-05 21:00:36 by JeffMoss
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