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Why do you support or oppose a party

The purpose is to see how people see parties as positive or negative.
I tend to be
More Conservative than most Republicans
More liberal than most Democrats
Other/ 3rd Party
Which party is most responsible for the recession
Mostly Democrats
Both about the same
Mostly Republicans
Who do you see more favorably
Democrats and Republicans
Oppose Republicans
They are too have been too liberal
They have been too conservative
Do not oppose
Oppose Democrats
They have been too liberal
They have been to conservative
Do not oppose
Has the Tea party been good for Republicans
No, they are too conservative
Yes, they ensure critical issues will be dealt with
More likely to vote for Republicans
If they are backed by the Tea Party
If they oppose the Tea party
Not sure / No difference
Which issues do you support from the Democrats
The Economy
The War
Health Care
Employee Free choice act
Social issues
Cap and Trade
Which issues do you oppose Democrats
The Economy
The War
Health Care
Employee Free choice act
Social issues
Cap and Trade
I plan to vote
Mostly for Democrats
Mostly for Republicans
3rd party
None/ don't plan to vote
Which describes you?
A Republican excited to vote
Republican not motivated to vote.
A Democrat excited to vote
A Democrat not motivated to vote.
3rd Party/Other
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This poll was created on 2010-09-18 21:19:03 by Enki