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Why do you support or oppose a party

The purpose is to see how people see parties as positive or negative.

I tend to be

26% (17) More Conservative than most Republicans
12% (8) Republican
18% (12) Moderate
15% (10) Democrat
14% (9) More liberal than most Democrats
12% (8) Other/ 3rd Party

64 voters have answered this question.

Which party is most responsible for the recession

35% (22) Mostly Democrats
27% (17) Both about the same
27% (17) Mostly Republicans
9% (6) Neither

62 voters have answered this question.

Who do you see more favorably

37% (24) Democrats
3% (2) Democrats and Republicans
42% (27) Republicans
17% (11) Neither

64 voters have answered this question.

Oppose Republicans

18% (11) They are too have been too liberal
48% (29) They have been too conservative
33% (20) Do not oppose

60 voters have answered this question.

Oppose Democrats

58% (37) They have been too liberal
11% (7) They have been to conservative
30% (19) Do not oppose

63 voters have answered this question.

Has the Tea party been good for Republicans

44% (28) No, they are too conservative
55% (35) Yes, they ensure critical issues will be dealt with

63 voters have answered this question.

More likely to vote for Republicans

21% (14) If they are backed by the Tea Party
20% (13) If they oppose the Tea party
57% (37) Not sure / No difference

64 voters have answered this question.

Which issues do you support from the Democrats

48% (18) The Economy
56% (21) The War
43% (16) Stimulus
64% (24) Health Care
29% (11) Employee Free choice act
86% (32) Social issues
29% (11) Cap and Trade

37 voters have answered this question.

Which issues do you oppose Democrats

73% (39) The Economy
49% (26) The War
66% (35) Stimulus
64% (34) Health Care
54% (29) Employee Free choice act
60% (32) Social issues
64% (34) Cap and Trade

53 voters have answered this question.

I plan to vote

21% (14) Democrat
31% (20) Republican
15% (10) Mostly for Democrats
15% (10) Mostly for Republicans
10% (7) 3rd party
4% (3) None/ don't plan to vote

64 voters have answered this question.

Which describes you?

31% (19) A Republican excited to vote
4% (3) Republican not motivated to vote.
21% (13) A Democrat excited to vote
11% (7) A Democrat not motivated to vote.
31% (19) 3rd Party/Other

61 voters have answered this question.

Is this a good poll?

80% (49) Yes
19% (12) No (leave a comment)

61 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-09-18 21:19:03 by Enki
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