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Do you have pet?

If you have a pet take this poll.

Do you have a pet?

43% (35) Yes
3% (3) No
52% (42) I have Multiple pets.

80 voters have answered this question.

Is it hard to take care of your pet?

12% (10) yes
61% (49) no
26% (21) kind of

80 voters have answered this question.

Does your pet smell bad?

3% (3) VERY!
66% (53) Not at all
30% (24) a little

80 voters have answered this question.

What type of pet(s) do you have?

66% (53) Cat
55% (44) Dog
17% (14) Bird
6% (5) Rabbit
7% (6) Reptile
1% (1) Frog
2% (2) Ferrett
8% (7) rock
16% (13) other

80 voters have answered this question.

How often do you feed your pet?

46% (37) It eats through out the day
11% (9) once a day
32% (26) twice- three times a day
7% (6) 4- more times a day
2% (2) never

80 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-10-25 13:57:51 by kaity
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