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Reading Books

I would like to conduct a poll on whether people - Like to read -Like to take books on rental -Like to lend their book -Like to take textbooks on rental

Would you prefer reading ebooks or hardcopy?

8% (5) ebook
71% (43) hardcopy
18% (11) both
1% (1) none

60 voters have answered this question.

what kind of books you read?

75% (45) Novels
58% (35) Magazines
21% (13) Reports
5% (3) None

60 voters have answered this question.

would you prefer renting to buying books

58% (35) Yes
41% (25) No

60 voters have answered this question.

would you like to make extra money giving your books for rent

51% (31) Yes
48% (29) No

60 voters have answered this question.

How much money are you ready to spend per month on buying books

51% (31) Rs 100-250
23% (14) Rs 250-500
11% (7) Rs 500-750
13% (8) > Rs 750

60 voters have answered this question.

What is the typical rental period you will be interested in?

53% (32) two weeks
31% (19) four weeks
5% (3) six weeks
10% (6) eight weeks

60 voters have answered this question.

what is the typical rental scheme you would be interested in?

38% (23) some percentage of the book value
31% (19) monthly subcription fee based on usage
30% (18) flat yearly subcription fee

60 voters have answered this question.

would you like to rent textbooks for a semester/term?

53% (32) Yes
46% (28) No

60 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2010-12-07 11:16:57 by book_worm
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