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Have you ever been bodypainted?

Have you ever had your body painted?

95% (102) Yes
4% (5) No

107 voters have answered this question.

What was the painting?

8% (9) Single colour all over
9% (10) Metallic all over
6% (7) Human Statue / Stone effect
12% (13) Animal
21% (23) Painted clothes
12% (13) Painted picture
17% (18) Abstract
11% (12) Other

105 voters have answered this question.

Why were you painted?

6% (7) Body painting festival
12% (13) Charity event
17% (18) Party
7% (8) Other Festival
10% (11) As a practice session for painter
20% (22) For photography/art project
18% (19) Just to try the experience
6% (7) Other

105 voters have answered this question.

How long did the painting take?

41% (43) less than 2 hours
30% (32) 2-4 hours
13% (14) 4-6 hours
14% (15) Over 6 hours

104 voters have answered this question.

How long did you remain painted once it was completed?

15% (16) less than 2 hours
25% (26) Half a day
31% (33) Full day
27% (29) More than 1 day

104 voters have answered this question.

Did you wear anything to protect your modesty?

0% (1) Bikini top
8% (9) Panties / briefs
14% (15) Shorts
5% (6) G-string
7% (8) Trousers (only top painted)
66% (70) Nothing!

105 voters have answered this question.

Are you?

57% (61) Male
42% (45) Female

106 voters have answered this question.

Would you do it again?

22% (23) Yes, and do so regularly
27% (28) Yes, and have done so occasionally
36% (38) Yes, I would like to
9% (10) Maybe, I'd need some convincing
3% (4) No

103 voters have answered this question.

Men, did the painter ask you to shave/wax anywhere?

13% (9) Chest
10% (7) Legs
13% (9) Arms
7% (5) Head
39% (27) Everywhere
47% (32) No

68 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-02-02 22:05:53 by dino85
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