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I. Like. Chicken. Actually, chicken nuggets. Dino shaped. =)

Pick what you like! (Multiple, please!)

0% (0) toenails
33% (2) nachos
33% (2) milky way bars
66% (4) chocolate milk
66% (4) reading
16% (1) sparkles
16% (1) Facebook
33% (2) talking on the phone
50% (3) gum
0% (0) jerks
83% (5) cartoons
33% (2) this poll
66% (4) skirts
33% (2) goldfish
83% (5) sleeping
83% (5) fruit
33% (2) cats
50% (3) cheese
33% (2) pickles
16% (1) The Lion King
66% (4) Taylor Swift
50% (3) singing in the shower
50% (3) kissing in the rain

6 voters have answered this question.

Which of these is your favorite? (I'd have to say 'kissing in the rain' <3)

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6 voters have answered this question.

Which of these is your least favorite? (I'd have to say 'toenails' because they're just weird =P)

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6 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-07-19 20:09:33 by KittyCatGBV
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