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User: KittyCatGBV


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Posted in Does God care about me? on 2011-08-03 03:59:44

God loves you because why else would he send his only Son to die for us? With the horrible things people do, we don't deserve Him, but He loves us. I am a fourteen year old Christian and I for one wouldn't have made it this far without Him.

Jesus loves you no matter what, and all he wants is for you to return that unchangeable love, repent of your sins (Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God), and trust Him completely. In doing these three things, it does not need to be said that you will pray, because praying is just talking to God and why wouldn't you talk to your best friend?

God just wants you to acknowledge Him.

Posted in Records,Challenges,and Wierd stuff to ask you. on 2011-08-01 04:50:39

thanks to you i just put 7 ice cubes down my shirt and i think i'm going to die. i'm not kidding. i'm in serious pain. ow.

Posted in eczema on 2011-07-29 05:01:45

I'm a fourteen year old girl, and as far as I know i've had eczema since i was like two. anyways, when i was younger i don't think it made a difference, and i don't remember anything to do with it in elementary school, but middle school's been tough. i mean people don't exactly make fun of me - they're not even trying to be mean - but i mean if someone makes any kind of comment i get offended. i spent most of the past three years with it on my hands, and it would randomly reappear in different spots... but only on my hand. when i was little it was on my foot (i have a scar from scratching) and IT CAME BACK. it totally sucked, cuz it itches more if you wear closed shoes, but with flip flops it's just like... awkwardly standing with your legs twisted. most people just ask out of curiosity - or concern - but it bothers me a LOT. like, even if they're super nice, it just $%!@es me off. and you know how only get it on my hands and feet (only the tops, by the way, never like the palm of my hand) but THEN i got it on my stupid WRIST and i'm like 'crap.' i hate eczema. doctors suck, too. i mean, either i never see one so they don't talk to me about it, or i'm running to them all the time. i was prescribed stuff and it never really went away. i've used aquaphor for a couple years, but i don't suggest it becasue all it did for me was heal chapped lips =) and these weird patches of dry skin i have (i don't think they were eczema cuz they look way different) Anyways i started using cortizone and all of a sudden theres just like red spots and discolored skin.. and hey, i'll take what i can get. my eczema is like... usually dry and kind of like peeling skin, but if it gets scratched open (when i'm feeling stupid or in my sleep) it's like... $%!@. disgusting, i know. hopefully that's helpful! oh, and i forgot - my brilliant solution before it virtually disappeared (oh, it WILL be back) was to cover it with band-aids if it looked gross or was itchy or just looked bad in general. then i had to answer a million questions about why i was covered in band-aids. my friends have never really bothered me about it, but it's not like i bring it up in conversation... but i mean they've all seen it, and besides the one who forgot and the one who grabbed my wrist and freaked because she thought i was in like agonizing pain or something, it's all good. my biggest concern is the whole dating aspect, i mean, a guy asks me out, why do i say? 'well i have this skin condition (no one knows what eczema IS and i've only met one person who has it, and she was my teacher) so you'll probably think its gross and yeah'. i mean, ugh. hand holding does not sound fun. at all.

Posted in do you have manners? on 2011-07-29 02:32:36

Heyy i just took ur manners poll and i was wondering, who sneezes on people when they're mad at them?? That's pretty awesome. I think it would be hilarious. Thanks for improving my mood. Oh, and why wasn't sneezing an option for the little girl with the lollipop?? ... I wouldn't have done that though. Honestly, I would try not to make contact and if she talked to me i would pretend i was deaf =) ... unless her scary mommy was watching.......... XD

Posted in Fresh Prince of bel-air on 2011-07-28 23:01:13

I saw the show where Will's dad comes back, and it was really sad how he just got up and left will AGAIN. That really sucked. I mean, Will was crying, and he NEVER cries. And it reminded me of my friend's dad that left when she was like 8 and that was mainly the reason i cried. But i cry a lot, i mean, i cried in The Hunger Games when Rue died... haha, and Finnick, too. Btw, you should read that series (The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay) and the Gone series (Gone, Hunger, Lies, Plague), regardless of age or gender. Okay, bye person!