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Do you ever feel bad for weeds?

At my school there's a work-program and some of us have to use weedwhackers on areas where weeds are trying to take over. This one girl always does it right outside our classroom, and I was watching her do it one day and couldn't help feel a little sad for the weeds she was cutting. My friend did too, and we were trying to see if anyone else ever feels bad for weeds.

Guy or Girl?

75% (6) Guy
25% (2) Girl

8 voters have answered this question.


0% (0) 11-12
25% (2) 13-14
0% (0) 15-18
75% (6) 19+

8 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever heard or watched someone weedwhack, and feel sad?

0% (0) I feel bad for the weeds everytime it happens
0% (0) It feels good because I know weeds are getting hurt
37% (3) Only when it gets really high-pitched, and the weeds are getting whipped really hard
25% (2) It depends, but sometimes, yes
37% (3) Not ever

8 voters have answered this question.

What do you think weedwhackers sound like?

25% (2) They sound like a baby crying
12% (1) They sound like screaming or yelling
37% (3) They just sound really mean
50% (4) I don't care about the sound

8 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever had to use a weedwhacker before?

100% (8) Yes
0% (0) No

8 voters have answered this question.

How did you feel as you did?

0% (0) I felt bad for the weeds the whole time
25% (2) I felt bad for some of the weeds
50% (4) I felt bad for the weeds, but I knew they had to be killed
0% (0) It felt good to do that to them
25% (2) I was indifferent

8 voters have answered this question.

Do you think weeds know what's happening to them?

12% (1) Yes, and it sucks
25% (2) Maybe to some degree
62% (5) Not at all

8 voters have answered this question.

If we found out some weeds could feel pain, do you think they should get weedwhacked?

12% (1) Yes, they deserve it
50% (4) No, it would be too mean
37% (3) I wouldn't care

8 voters have answered this question.

Would you feel sorry for them?

0% (0) No, I would feel good
75% (6) Yes, but it still has to be done
25% (2) Yes, and I would hope no one did it to them

8 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2011-07-27 08:33:33 by Manda9726
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