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User: Manda9726


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Posted in 11-year-old boy's punishment for smoking on 2012-02-21 10:38:07

I think it's disgusting what your brother and his friend have done. Smoking kills themselves and others around them, not to mention taking things that don't belong to him and not caring. They remind me of two little weeds. Does he know what weeds are?

Weeds are plants that never learn their lesson. Like your brother and his friend, they steal from others, not caring about the harm they do. They bully other plants like your brother bullied you, and they convert what they steal into toxic fumes that harm others, and since they think they can get away with it. they keep doing it.

But do you know what happens to weeds? They get punished. Imagine being a weed, sitting there planning your next move. Then all of a sudden you hear a sound that sounds like crying. It keeps getting louder and louder until you hear hissing and then the cracking of stems and leaves, and eventually the screams of other weeds. You start to realize it's your greatest fear - a weedwhacker. It keeps getting worse. The weedwhacker comes into view, and one by one you see your friends collapse as soon as the string whips them. The other weeds around you start sobbing, some thinking they're strong and they won't cry, but the same thing happens every time the weedwhacker starts punishing them, they wail so loud they can be heard from blocks away, the weedwhacker moaning and screaming at them, reminding them it's their own fault.

Some that are hiding behind the fence or against the house and think they got away, but they're whipped violently against it, making things even worse for them. One by one the weeds around you start falling and are spanked to death, their plant bits splattering everywhere, the flowers they once bullied laughing at them.

The weedwhacker passes you, you think you got away. But all of a sudden you see a pair of grass stained shoes point in your direction, and you know what's about to happen. As they start walking toward you you start to sob. The right foot that moves in close to you only makes you want to cry more, the toes frowning at you, the laces of the shoe long and sad looking. You can sense it's a girl and you think you might get off easy, maybe she'll feel sorry for you, but you know what happened to your friends.

The string starts spinning and you feel the sting as it starts eating away at your stem, and you let out a cry. As you cry the sting increases as the string spins faster, and you can't help but cry louder and harder, in harmony with the weedwhacker. Eventually you collapse, and feel her foot on you, the toes pressing down to let you know they're there. Then the weedwhacker takes the leaves you worked so hard to grow away one by one, and you weep and scream, trying to explain to her toes how sorry you are. After all your leaves are gone, you start getting spanked to death, and you can't help but scream. If you're lucky, you wind up as a stain on ground or worse, left to rot in the sun, thinking about what you've done.

Next time your brother thinks about doing something like that please explain this to him. He should be punished for what he's done by spanking him, and then made to kill weeds around the house, thinking all the while how he fits in with them.