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Group strip-search

Have you ever been strip-searched?

97% (285) Yes
2% (6) No

291 voters have answered this question.

Are you:

66% (190) Male?
33% (96) Female?

286 voters have answered this question.

How old were you when you were searched?

6% (19) Under 10
30% (88) 10-14
24% (71) 15-17
16% (49) 18-21
11% (34) 21-25
6% (19) 25-35
2% (8) 35-45
1% (4) 45-55
0% (0) Over 55

292 voters have answered this question.

How long ago were you searched?

43% (126) Under a year?
30% (87) 1-5 years ago?
10% (31) 5-10 years ago?
5% (17) 10-20 years ago?
9% (26) Over 20 years ago?

287 voters have answered this question.

Were you the only one searched at the time?

14% (43) Yes
13% (38) With one other person
37% (108) In a group of 3-5
15% (45) In a group of 5-10
7% (23) In a group of 10-20
11% (34) In a group of over 20

291 voters have answered this question.

If others were searched with you:

66% (166) We're they of the same sex?
81% (204) We're you all searched in front of each other?
16% (41) Were adults and children searched together?

250 voters have answered this question.

What was the maximum state of undress?

0% (1) Coat removed?
0% (0) Stripped to waist?
9% (27) Stripped to underwear?
90% (261) Naked?

289 voters have answered this question.

We're members of the public able to see you in this state of undress?

39% (112) No
22% (66) Yes others adults of the same sex
39% (114) Yes other adults of the other/both sexes
32% (92) Children aged 14-17 of same sex
28% (82) Children aged 10-13 of same sex
21% (63) Children under 10 of same sex
20% (59) Children under 10 of opposite sex
28% (82) Children 10-13 of opposite sex

287 voters have answered this question.

Where we're you searched?

7% (22) Prison
29% (86) School
16% (47) Police station
15% (44) Airport
0% (2) Railway station
3% (11) Pop concert/festival
1% (3) Pub/hotel
3% (9) Club
3% (11) On street (as pedestrian)
0% (1) On street (as passenger/driver of a car)
2% (7) On a bus or taken outside bus
3% (9) Port or dock
13% (38) Other, please state

290 voters have answered this question.

How long were you kept in maximum state of undress?

1% (3) Minute or less
10% (29) 1-5 mins
13% (38) 5-10 mins
25% (72) 10-30 mins
18% (53) 30 mins to 1 hour
9% (27) 1-2 hours
22% (64) Over 2 hours

286 voters have answered this question.

Were you examined?

2% (7) No
19% (57) Visually only
2% (7) Internally
14% (41) Genitals handled only
60% (175) Genitals handled and internally examined

287 voters have answered this question.

We're you physically assaulted when undressed

71% (198) No
9% (26) Beaten with fists
12% (34) Beaten with implements
9% (27) Tasered or cattle prodded
14% (39) Other (please state)

278 voters have answered this question.

Will you leave an account of your experience?

26% (68) Yes
73% (191) No

259 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-02-08 21:42:21 by michaelj
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