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your pet supplies?

We are looking for information regarding your pet and livestock needs. We would like to create a business and this information will help us hopefully maintain satisfied customers and allow us to plan the stock lists we need

What types of Animals do you have?

70% (22) Dog
48% (15) Cat
54% (17) Rabbit
25% (8) Rodents
45% (14) Poultry
9% (3) Waterfowl
3% (1) Sheep
12% (4) Horse
0% (0) Donkey
0% (0) Pigs
35% (11) Other

31 voters have answered this question.

Do you visit your food supplier more then once a week?

32% (10) Yes
67% (21) No

31 voters have answered this question.

If yes, how many times?_____

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13 voters have answered this question.

How much on average do spend a week on animal food/supplies? _____ How many different items do you buy? _____

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28 voters have answered this question.

Do you often buy items you hadn't planned to buy?

51% (16) Yes
48% (15) No

31 voters have answered this question.

Why do you visit your currently supplier?_____

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31 voters have answered this question.

What would you like to see your current supplier improve on? eg. more variation in stocked items, customer service, general standards in which items are merchandised or items not being properly priced up. _____

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31 voters have answered this question.

Do you often buy:

3% (1) The cheapest item on the range
33% (10) average cost but not to expensive
53% (16) The best product for your animal, price not a huge issue
30% (9) A renowned make and good quality

30 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather visit a big company like 'pets at home' because of them being well known rather then your local supplier.

6% (2) Yes
93% (28) No

30 voters have answered this question.

I Travel _____ miles to my supplier. This is because its the closest one, yes or no?_____. Would you travel further for better service, quality and choice of products, yes or no? _____.

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28 voters have answered this question.

What Brand of food do you use for the animals you keep and why, please list for every animal you keep.

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31 voters have answered this question.

Do you bulk buy food from your supplier?

63% (19) Yes
36% (11) No

30 voters have answered this question.

Is your food delivered?

13% (4) Yes and I pay a fee for it to be deliveried
13% (4) Yes for free
72% (21) No, id rather collect it to see all products on there range

29 voters have answered this question.

Is there anything else you think would be useful for us, that may not have already been covered in this questionnaire.

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31 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-05-12 08:51:55 by sam gillians
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