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Evolution in schools?

Looking for the old results?
A study that has just come out has found that 12 US states NEVER use the word "evolution" in public schooling grades K-12

Which do you believe?

67% (37) Evolution
25% (14) Creationism
7% (4) Evolution and Creationism

55 voters have answered this question.

What do you believe about evolution?

67% (38) Its true
26% (15) Its false
5% (3) Its true for animals but not people

56 voters have answered this question.

What do you think of creationism?

32% (18) Its True.
57% (32) Its False.
10% (6) Its metophoricle.

56 voters have answered this question.

Finally, do you think evolution whould be taught in public schools?

60% (34) Yes, as fact.
19% (11) Yes, as theory.
19% (11) No?

56 voters have answered this question.

Do you think my spelling is atrocious?

64% (35) Duh
35% (19) Nergative

54 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2000-09-30 23:43:19 by MPC2164111080
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