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how long

you've been writting back and forth..how long before you consider yourselves friends

50% (3) under 16
33% (2) under 20
0% (0) under 40
16% (1) under 60

6 voters have answered this question.

83% (5) male
16% (1) female

6 voters have answered this question.

how long do you write back and forth before you consider that person a friend?

50% (3) 3 times
0% (0) 5 times
16% (1) 7 times
33% (2) more than 10 times

6 voters have answered this question.

what indicates friendship?

16% (1) just answering each other
33% (2) when writting..making sure you put their name in your explanation
33% (2) just sayig...lets be friends
16% (1) when you trade email address
0% (0) it never happens

6 voters have answered this question.

how much do you trust them?

0% (0) enough to trade secrets
50% (3) enough to invite them over (if in same town)
33% (2) enough to swap photos
16% (1) always on my guard..never fully trust them

6 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2012-06-24 07:22:40 by Leo Benji
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