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User: Leo Benji


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Posted in Feeling about circumcision ( Cut males only ) on 2012-12-29 12:23:43

Like the others who were cut while they were infants....I have no desire to be uncut. And I don't look at us as if we're not... whole.. we peel back the outer casing of things...we dont label them non whole.. it's a casing... a shell. As humans and cultural people we have a choice or let's say our parents did. I'm sure the discussion wasn't if they wanted their son to be whole or not. Lol

Posted in Guys, What Are You Wearing (Right Now)? (boys only) on 2012-10-11 21:44:04

Lol...enjoy :-))

Posted in How often do you sleep in your underwear or naked? on 2012-10-09 11:48:44

Yes..it's true.. very comfortable.. it's natural and relaxing. Equally true... that not far beyond a yes answer the subject tends to attach itself beyond the initial focus

Posted in How often do you sleep in your underwear or naked? on 2012-10-02 08:12:24

Robert Lol..itnot even apply but..you ever notice girls around town or maybe at your school, and their neck has a red spot on it, well what happens was that someone suck in 1 place and the blood formed the circle, and even go explaining it doesn't sound too cool at all people do this all the time. So what I was thinking was, when you kiss the butt and you're playing around that you would also suck the cheeks in 1 place and it would form a hickey lOL :-) and now that I'm explaining it, it doesn't sound right at all so forgive me and my ignorance. :-() lol

Posted in How often do you sleep in your underwear or naked? on 2012-09-25 01:15:10

Is sucking butt the same as giving it a hickey? Lol. Baby boy.. an actual child.. right?.. I got lost but I don't think you were calling Zane your baby. :-))