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Public Opinion

A Poll for my AP Government Class

Are we experiencing Climate Change? If so, is it man-made or a natural cycle?

7% (12) No, It isn't occuring
30% (52) Yes, but it's a natural cycle
54% (93) Yes, it is man-made
7% (13) Unsure

170 voters have answered this question.

Do you support an assualt weapon ban?

59% (101) Yes
30% (52) No
9% (16) Unsure

169 voters have answered this question.

Do you support a path for illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship?

50% (87) Yes
21% (37) No
28% (49) Not without stricter border control

173 voters have answered this question.

What age are you?

23% (41) Under 18
28% (49) 18-29
19% (34) 30-49
23% (40) 50-65
4% (7) 65+

171 voters have answered this question.

Are you a male or a female?

73% (125) male
26% (45) female

170 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-01-31 15:30:17 by ablakney
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