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Past V.S. Present

Speaking on behalf of the past V.S. the present, how do you wish music was?
Man, I think the Beatles were definitely what real music was about. There's more to it than them, though. I mean, I like the Rolling Stones, Zepplin's great, I like a lot more, so I prefer music from the past.
New music! It's got a great groove, and it's about MUSIC, right? Who cares that words are better? I don't want to say I'm a sever mainstream lover, but I prefer it to the oldies!
I love old music, The Beatles, etc. But I like current bands too--popular ones like Maroon 5 and others.
I love old music, like The Beatles and others, but I like modern bands that're more Indie: Arctic Monkeys, Modest Mouse, Avalanche City, I could name a lot.
Would you rather read on a tablet of some sort, or an old book?
Tablet. I mean, now they have it so it doesn't glare, and who cares as long as you're reading, right? Plus, you can carry around multiple books in one compartment.
Old books. There's something about them. They always tend to smell nice and I just like the feel of paper, to be honest. It makes the character seem more...real.
I don't care.
I'm not an avid reader.
This question offends me more than asking Michael J. Fox to trace a scatter plot.
The Beatles?
They're OKAY. I'm not a fan.
God, I hate them!
I'm indifferent.
I like 'em a lot, but I wouldn't call myself a huge fan.
Didn't they write the "Yellow Submarine" one?
I know like, five songs.
Favourite band!
One of my favourites, I guess.
They had talent, but I'm not a fan.
I"m just not a fan at all.
Haven't listened to 'em yet, so I wouldn't know.
This poll was created on 2013-04-30 22:22:35 by thismachinekillsfascists