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Past V.S. Present

Speaking on behalf of the past V.S. the present, how do you wish music was?

47% (8) Man, I think the Beatles were definitely what real music was about. There's more to it than them, though. I mean, I like the Rolling Stones, Zepplin's great, I like a lot more, so I prefer music from the past.
17% (3) New music! It's got a great groove, and it's about MUSIC, right? Who cares that words are better? I don't want to say I'm a sever mainstream lover, but I prefer it to the oldies!
17% (3) I love old music, The Beatles, etc. But I like current bands too--popular ones like Maroon 5 and others.
17% (3) I love old music, like The Beatles and others, but I like modern bands that're more Indie: Arctic Monkeys, Modest Mouse, Avalanche City, I could name a lot.

17 voters have answered this question.

Would you rather read on a tablet of some sort, or an old book?

17% (3) Tablet. I mean, now they have it so it doesn't glare, and who cares as long as you're reading, right? Plus, you can carry around multiple books in one compartment.
52% (9) Old books. There's something about them. They always tend to smell nice and I just like the feel of paper, to be honest. It makes the character seem more...real.
11% (2) I don't care.
17% (3) I'm not an avid reader.
0% (0) This question offends me more than asking Michael J. Fox to trace a scatter plot.

17 voters have answered this question.

The Beatles?

5% (1) They're OKAY. I'm not a fan.
5% (1) God, I hate them!
0% (0) I'm indifferent.
29% (5) I like 'em a lot, but I wouldn't call myself a huge fan.
0% (0) Didn't they write the "Yellow Submarine" one?
0% (0) I know like, five songs.
5% (1) Favourite band!
11% (2) One of my favourites, I guess.
11% (2) They had talent, but I'm not a fan.
0% (0) I"m just not a fan at all.
0% (0) Haven't listened to 'em yet, so I wouldn't know.

17 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-04-30 22:22:35 by thismachinekillsfascists
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