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Mouth taped for talking too much

Mouths that can't behave themselves should be sealed up so they can't cause any more trouble. I'm running a series of polls to gauge what appropriate punishments should be for various infractions. Please comment with your opinions and stories.
How long should a mouth be taped for a first talking too much infraction?
No more than 15 minutes
Half an hour
One hour
Two to three hours
Four to six hours
For the rest of the day
One day
Two days
Three or more days
How long should a mouth be taped for a second talking too much infraction?
No more than 15 minutes
Half an hour
One hour
Two to three hours
Four to six hours
For the rest of the day
One day
Two days
Three or more days
How long should a mouth be taped for a third talking too much infraction?
No more than 15 minutes
Half an hour
One hour
Two to three hours
Four to six hours
For the rest of the day
One day
Two days
Three or more days
How should the mouth be taped for a talking too much infraction?
Single strip of tape horizontally across the mouth
Two strips of tape across the mouth in an X
Three strips of tape (horizontally and an X)
Multiple strips of tape on the lips and cheeks only
Multiple strips of tape in a muzzle, including taping under the chin
Tape wrapped around the head, no strips under the chin
Tape wrapped around the head AND strips under the chin
What tape should be used for a talking too much infraction?
Scotch tape
Masking tape
Packing tape
Electrical tape
Sports tape
Duct tape
Microfoam tape
Elastoplast or sticking plaster
Other medical tape
Should the mouth be stuffed before being taped shut for a talking too much infraction?
Only for the second and later infractions
Only for the third and later infractions
Should the hands be bound behind the back in addition to the mouth being taped for a talking too much infraction?
Only for the second and later infractions
Only for the third and later infractions
Should the person be displayed in public while their mouth is taped shut for talking too much?
Only for the second and later infractions
Only for the third and later infractions
Have you had your mouth taped shut for talking too much?
Have you taped someone else's mouth for talking too much?
This poll was created on 2013-08-02 01:18:07 by aeris87