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USA vs Middle East

What do you think about the cause of the Iraqi war, WMD?

84% (11) US lied about the WMD
7% (1) WMD were for real
7% (1) Saddam Hussein planned to attack the US
0% (0) Iraqi people called on the US to end the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein

13 voters have answered this question.

Bush played a dirty game and cheated the people of America into the Iraq war.

76% (10) Yes
23% (3) No
0% (0) Unsure
0% (0) Do not care

13 voters have answered this question.

Did the Iraq war help the Iraqi people to gain liberty?

7% (1) Yes
61% (8) No
0% (0) Maybe
30% (4) Difficult to judge

13 voters have answered this question.

Did the US plan the Iraq war to destroy the power of Iraq?

46% (6) Agree
23% (3) Disagree
23% (3) Unsure
7% (1) Do not care

13 voters have answered this question.

Was the Iraq War planned due to the 9/11 incident?

7% (1) Unsure
23% (3) No
38% (5) Yes
30% (4) Not related

13 voters have answered this question.

Iraq War was planned by the US to control the oil wells of Iraq.

7% (1) No, there is no connection
23% (3) Unsure of the link between the two
69% (9) Yes, it is for sure
0% (0) Does not matter

13 voters have answered this question.

Did the Iraq War increase the oil prices around the world?

0% (0) No
69% (9) Yes
30% (4) Not sure
0% (0) Not related

13 voters have answered this question.

Does the US have a better control over the world oil prices after the Iraq War?

23% (3) Maybe
53% (7) Definitely
23% (3) Not at all
0% (0) World oil prices decreased

13 voters have answered this question.

Did the oil price rise across the world, after the Iraq War, eventually lead to the inflation around the world, especially in the third world countries?

61% (8) Inflation increases a lot
7% (1) Inflation decreased
0% (0) Inflation remained stable
30% (4) Do not know

13 voters have answered this question.

First US had good ties with both Saddam Hussein and the Taliban. Then came the Iraq War which lead to the Afghanistan War. Is the US trying to gain control over the Middle East?

7% (1) No relationship between the two wars
76% (10) Yes, the wars are an excuse to control the middle eastern region.
7% (1) The wars were solely based to protect their people
7% (1) The war was just to show the might of USA

13 voters have answered this question.

What are President Obama's efforts to stop the ongoing wars? Is he justifying his poll promises?

No graph available for this question

13 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-09-21 20:53:45 by kirman97@gmail.com
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