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Worst Person of the Year 2013

While TIME Magazine's editors deliberate on who their Person of the Year should be (and the public votes on who they think it should be), we take a look at the other end of the spectrum and determine who the Worst Person of the Year should be. These candidates all made it to TIME's Person of the Year shortlist, but shouldn't get the prize because they're evil, they're a flash in the pan, or they're simply a joke. Choose the one that you think least deserves the Person of the Year prize and instead should get the title of Worst Person of the Year.

Who should earn the title for Worst Person of the Year?

36% (8) Bashar al-Assad (President of Syria, civil war's death toll tops 100,000, used chemical weapons)
27% (6) John Boehner (U.S. Speaker of the House of Representatives, threatens to stop the Employee Non-Discrimination Act of 2013)
0% (0) Ted Cruz (U.S. Senator (R-TX), spearheaded government shutdown)
9% (2) Miley Cyrus (Pop musician, invented 'twerking')
9% (2) Charles and David Koch (CEO and Vice President of Koch Industries, contributed money to malicious campaigns)
4% (1) Vladimir Putin (President of Russia, made his country inhospitable by signing a 'gay propaganda' ban into law)
4% (1) Kathleen Sebelius (U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, fumbled on Obamacare exchange rollout)
9% (2) Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev (Parties believed responsible for the Boston Marathon Bombings)

22 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2013-11-26 16:02:21 by Michael LaPlace
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