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Is this fair?

A while ago my mom made a poll on my acc. to finish an argument we were having about pajamas. Now because of that poll, my mom bought me five pairs of baby style onezies with feet that I have to wear every chilly night (read:every night in winter). I just would wear them for 30 minutes and then take those fashion disasters off and I was texting my best friend about how its hilarious that she couldnt figure it out but she left her iPhone over at my house and my mom looked thru the texts to see who's it was.
Should my mom be making me wear the one pair of unfeety pajamas I have backwards so I can't reach the zipper?
How long should I have to wear it for?
One night
Two nights
Three nights
Four nights
Five nights
A week
Two weeks
Three weeks
As long as your mom wants you to
Should I still have to wear the other jammies if Im wearing the unfeety ones a lot?
Should my mom buy me less ugly pajamas for pajama day?
What are the next pajamas my mom should buy me? (Don't be vague!!!)
What time should I be all ready for bed by?
This poll was created on 2014-01-22 13:33:46 by KitsuneAngel1