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How old are you?

13% (52) 10
2% (11) 11
5% (22) 12
8% (33) 13
7% (31) 14
8% (33) 15
12% (51) 16
8% (35) 17
3% (14) 18
7% (28) 19
21% (83) 20

393 voters have answered this question.

Do you wear diapers?

97% (383) Yes
2% (10) No

393 voters have answered this question.


47% (185) Male
52% (208) Female

393 voters have answered this question.

I wear _____ kinda diapers

No graph available for this question

393 voters have answered this question.

How often during the day do you wear diapers?

67% (266) All day
13% (55) part of the day
13% (55) only at night
4% (17) other

393 voters have answered this question.

who changes you

43% (172) mom
6% (26) dad
10% (41) siblings
39% (154) other

393 voters have answered this question.

if other then who _____

No graph available for this question

203 voters have answered this question.

why do you wear diapers

29% (116) for fun
38% (150) have to
32% (127) parents want me to

393 voters have answered this question.

Do you get changed right after you pee or poop in your diaper or do wait?

82% (325) I wait
17% (68) I get changed right after

393 voters have answered this question.

If you wait how long do you wait?

9% (37) 10 min
3% (15) 20 min
3% (13) 30min
1% (7) 45min
7% (28) 1 hour
2% (9) 2 hours
1% (6) 3 hours
2% (8) 4 hours
4% (16) 5 hours <
36% (142) Till my parents notice
28% (112) until i want to get changed

393 voters have answered this question.

Do use your diaper

65% (258) yes, I poop and pee in my diaper
33% (132) Yes, but I only pee in it
0% (1) yes, but I only poop in it
0% (2) no,

393 voters have answered this question.

Do you wear diapers everywhere? ( school, the store, friends house, etc)

75% (298) yes
24% (95) no

393 voters have answered this question.

Do you wear just a diaper in your house?

70% (278) yes
29% (115) no

393 voters have answered this question.

Do you like diapers?

72% (286) Yes
27% (107) NO

393 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-04-03 04:11:37 by dad101
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