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A Poll on Flip-flops

Wearing Flip-flops around in public is not something I really find the appeal of. In fact, unless there was some sort of rule, I'd probably walk around publicly BAREFOOT before I put flip-flops on. I want other people's thoughts. (This is meant for girls, but I guess a boy could answer too...)


54% (35) Female (Preferred)
45% (29) Male (Um... guess I can't stop you)

64 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

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64 voters have answered this question.

How often do you wear flip-flops? (Provided the right circumstances)

62% (40) I wear flip-flops almost anywhere I go.
17% (11) I'll go to some places like a park or school in flip-flops, but there are many where I won't.
1% (1) I'll go anywhere that's close by wearing flip-flops. Not anywhere too far.
4% (3) I only wear flip-flops if I'll only be out for a short time.
7% (5) I don't wear flip-flops anywhere besides the beach, pool, ect.
6% (4) I don't wear flip-flops.

64 voters have answered this question.

What's the MINIMUM temperature you'll wear flip-flops in? (Measured in Fahrenheit)

7% (5) I don't wear flip-flops.
10% (7) I only wear them if it's BLAZING outside.
7% (5) 65 Degrees
15% (10) 60 Degrees
6% (4) 55 Degrees
7% (5) 50 Degrees
3% (2) 45 Degrees
12% (8) 40 Degrees
3% (2) 30 Degrees
6% (4) 20 Degrees
18% (12) Less than 20 (O_o)

64 voters have answered this question.

Which of these places would you willingly wear flip-flops at?

81% (52) Park
59% (38) School
42% (27) Work
73% (47) Store/Restaurant
85% (55) Beach
73% (47) Other person's House
76% (49) Just walking
71% (46) Nature site
59% (38) Just Driving
84% (54) Around Town
68% (44) Museum
20% (13) Other

64 voters have answered this question.

I have decided that flip-flops are pretty dumb unless you're planning to take them off really soon, or as an "Emergency Shoe" that's easily portable. I don't get why people wear them in public places. (But maybe that's just 'cause I'm a guy) Care to explain why you should?

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47 voters have answered this question.

Hypothetical situation: It's raining really hard, and you've just gotten out of your car and charge down the school sidewalk as fast as you can. You're wearing flip-flops for whatever reason. What would you do regarding them?

29% (19) I'd just leave them on as I enter.
34% (22) I'd make it to the doors, then take them off inside for a while.
35% (23) I'd take them off initially and run to the doors barefoot, then replace them inside.

64 voters have answered this question.

P.S. Someone at school had the same situation that I mentioned above. She decided that she'd take them off inside.

0 voters have answered this question.

Pretend that you're at a beach with a couple of friends. You stay there for a while, and then they come back, saying that there's a really cool nature trail nearby and that you should go with them on it. You could easily slip a shirt and pants on over your swim clothes, but you don't have any extra shoes other than the flip-flops beside you. What would you do?

3% (2) I would just turn down the idea. I wouldn't like to hike.
6% (4) I'd postpone the event until tomorrow, when I could get some hiking shoes.
31% (20) Get right up and go on the nature trail wearing my flip-flops.
54% (35) I would go and remove my flip-flops for the trip. I'd just hike without shoes.
4% (3) I'd go, but first I'd ask if my friend would lend me his/her shoes.

64 voters have answered this question.

Why do you wear flip-flops? Select from the list below.

17% (11) Their easy to slip on/off or to slip into a bag.
21% (14) They're open and good for warm weather AND I don't have to touch the ground.
39% (25) It's the next best thing to going barefoot in places where I can't.
1% (1) It's just a socially acceptable thing.
1% (1) Everyone else it doing it; why not me?
0% (0) I like to show off my funky socks.
0% (0) They're easy to wear if you're running late or something.
0% (0) I'm not sure why, I just do.
17% (11) Other 1
0% (0) Other 2
1% (1) Other 3

64 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever attempted to persuade someone to wear flip-flops?

21% (14) Yes
78% (50) No

64 voters have answered this question.

If yes, describe the situation.

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12 voters have answered this question.

Rate these footwear choices best to worst (1 to 11), with 1 being the best.

79% (51) Gym shoes and socks
85% (55) Gym shoes without socks
78% (50) Combat boots
76% (49) Uggs
78% (50) Heels
73% (47) Flats
76% (49) Plimsolls
85% (55) Sandals
89% (57) Flip-flops
75% (48) Socks only
93% (60) Bare feet

64 voters have answered this question.

Explain your top 3 choices. (Optional)

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27 voters have answered this question.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend asked you to come to school in flip-flops for X many days straight, would you do it?

21% (14) DUH!
64% (41) Yes.
14% (9) No.

64 voters have answered this question.

Are there any experiences you wish to share that're on this poll topic?

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17 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-04-14 22:03:18 by the unknown
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