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Boys who read this magazine

For boys 6-15

Do you read New Moon Girls, Discovery Girls, or American Girl?

41% (7) Yes
41% (7) No
52% (9) Yes all three

17 voters have answered this question.

If you read New Moon Girls why?

41% (7) I like these nagazines at this age
29% (5) I get lonely
29% (5) I don't have a girlfriend

17 voters have answered this question.

How many issues do you have?

23% (4) 1-10
17% (3) 10-25
23% (4) 100 wow
35% (6) All of them

17 voters have answered this question.

If you read Discovery Girls why?

16% (3) I like that magazine
22% (4) I'm a sissy
16% (3) I love it
27% (5) I like girl stuff
16% (3) Other reasons...

18 voters have answered this question.

How many issues do you have?

11% (2) 1-11
22% (4) 11-22
16% (3) 22-50
16% (3) 75-100
33% (6) All of them

18 voters have answered this question.

If you read American Girl why?

22% (4) I feel lonely
27% (5) If I want to be one of the girls
27% (5) I like this magazine a lot
22% (4) Idk

18 voters have answered this question.

How many issues do you have

41% (7) 1-4
47% (8) 5-20
41% (7) 50 or more
47% (8) All of them

17 voters have answered this question.

Why do you have so many issues?

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18 voters have answered this question.

Why do you read them? do you have any dolls if yes then why only clean answers!

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18 voters have answered this question.

If you have every issue of all three magazines selected why? Explain!

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18 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-05-12 21:22:59 by Iwantagirlgriendplease!
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