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stronger Siblings

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Do you have any siblings that are stronger than you and don't let you forget it?

Do you have a sibling who is stronger than you?

97% (397) yes
2% (12) no

409 voters have answered this question.

If yes is that sibling

3% (13) same age male
5% (21) same age female
17% (73) older brother
23% (94) older sister
20% (84) younger brother
58% (237) younger sister

406 voters have answered this question.

How do they let you know

25% (102) verbal teasing
42% (172) physical teasing
72% (294) both

403 voters have answered this question.

What gender are you

81% (335) male
18% (78) female

413 voters have answered this question.

Where does the abuse take place?

98% (395) home
33% (134) friends home
32% (130) school
39% (159) out in public

403 voters have answered this question.

What is said during verbal abuse?

69% (261) A weak little baby
52% (196) Are you really that weak
58% (217) Are you going to cry now
35% (131) Show me some muscle
20% (75) other PLEASE POST

373 voters have answered this question.

What is done during pshyical abuse

65% (263) pinned
64% (256) made to submit
49% (199) made to state sibling suoeriority
46% (187) made to strip
36% (147) made to dress like a baby
40% (160) diapers
31% (126) made to dress as younger than you are
28% (115) made to cross dress
48% (193) made to beg

399 voters have answered this question.

Is the abuse done in

62% (241) private
21% (82) public with others viewing
47% (183) both

387 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-11-11 22:29:11 by sctwr
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