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Iraq is in imminent danger of being overrun by a radical group known as ISIS. Presently the Obama administration's effort to aid the Iraqis is to do nothing as in the case of Syria. The possibility of the ISIS controlling the oil fields in Iraq is a very real threat and is already affecting the price of gas in our country as well as stock market fluctuations. Pulling all our troops out of Iraq and leaving a void for dissident groups to fill obviously was not in the best interest for our country or for the Iraqi people. Do you feel that the US made a tactical error by pulling all our troops out of Iraq? Yes or No

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Do you feel that we should not do so in Afghanistan? Yes or No

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Considering Iran's motives and aspirations, do you feel that we should not partner with them in the Iraq crisis? Yes or No

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Do you feel that President Obama does not have the experience or knowledge to successfully handle the growing crisis in Iraq? Yes or No

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Do you feel that President Obama's lack of action is putting American's in harm's way again in the foreseeable future by creating the potential for another 9/11 attack? Yes or No

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Do you feel that we should just sit back, do nothing and watch Iraq crumble? Yes or No

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Do you think that the ISIS once in control of Iraq will continue to move across borders into other Middle East countries? Yes or No

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Do you care? Yes or No

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Within the next two to three years once Obamacare mandates are slated to fully kick in, it has been predicted that 90T of US companies will opt to pay the fine and stop offering health insurance to their employees leaving most to seek out insurance coverage via the exchanges. Most Affordable care plans have limited choices of hospitals and specialists, and premiums that are, in many cases, not affordable with sky high deductibles. Considering that the possibility of losing your health insurance via your place of employment is real and close at hand, do you find the above a chilling prospect? Yes or no

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Do you feel that Obamacare should be repealed in the future? Yes or No

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Or do you feel that eventually it will collapse under the weight of its many shortcomings? Yes or no

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Recently Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, an American prisoner held by the Taliban, was released and traded for 5 hardened Al-Qaeda prisoners. Congress although required to receive a 30 day notice was overlooked and not informed of the forthcoming release of these very dangerous individuals. Most are likely to return to Afghanistan and resume the fight against Americans and their allies. Do you feel that although we want to bring our "boys" home regardless of the reasons surrounding their captivity, that in this case, these five Taliban prisoners should not have been traded under any circumstance? Released or Not Released

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Does it bother you that again our president failed to disclose his intentions to congress and the American people? Yes or no

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We were led to believe that Bergdahl's health was in danger if we did not act to release him. However, the medical reports do not indicate that he was in poor health. Do you think that the American people have been lied to again by our government to justify their actions? Yes or no

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During Obama's time in office our country has been experiencing a long list of ills, such as: the murders in Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the VA scandal, Fast and Furious, Obamacare, high unemployment, a weakened economy, failed and bankrupt cities, and now political unrest in both the Ukraine and the Middle East. Do you feel that Obama has made one positive contribution benefiting our country? Yes or no

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Do you feel that his policies have hindered rather than helped the country? yes or no

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Do you feel that he has America's best interest at heart? yes or no

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Or do you feel he is motivated by a hidden agenda that has little to do with what is good for the country? yes or no

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Do you feel that although Obama promised the country a transparent government, to date it has been anything but transparent? Transparent or not transparent

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Are you skeptical of anything his administration has to say going forward as a result of his bald faced lie, "you can keep your doctor, period", etc.? Yes or no

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Do you feel that Obama is a poor commander in chief and if so, do you fear for the safety and well-being of our country? Yes or no

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Do you feel that Obama has contributed to a feeling of security and contentment among the American people? yes or no

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Or do you feel that Obama has left the American people angry and frustrated and downright disgusted with the current state of affairs? yes or no

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If you voted for Obama in the past, are you sorry you did so? Yes or no

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In retrospect do you think that Mitt Romney would have been the better choice? yes or no

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Considering the blunders thus far during his presidency, do you think that the Immigration issue is better off left on the table until a more competent administration takes over in 2016? yes or no

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Do you feel that Hillary Clinton is that person? yes or no

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Or do you feel that she would pursue policies and an ideological outlook similar to that of Obama's? yes or no

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Lastly Lois Lerner's infamous emails and that of 6 other top ranking IRS employees have conveniently vanished into cyberspace. Do you feel that the so called hard drive crash and lack of back up were perhaps more likely self inflicted attempts to hide a "trail" of possibly incriminating evidence? yes or no

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This poll was created on 2014-06-24 14:59:36 by PatrioticCitizen
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