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Parents who spank their adult children

A lot of spanking polls are being taken by adults who are still being spanked by their parents. I am very puzzled by this and want to hear from moms and dads who still spank their kids from adolescence into adulthood.

I am the

52% (344) Dad
39% (258) Mom/mum
5% (36) Legal guardian male
3% (23) Legal guardian female

661 voters have answered this question.

I have adolescent/adult

54% (358) Son(s)
65% (432) Daughter(s)

661 voters have answered this question.

Age of my son(s) / daughter(s)

16% (109) 16
11% (75) 17
18% (124) 18
20% (134) 19
17% (114) 20
17% (117) 21
17% (116) 22
11% (78) 23
11% (79) 24
9% (64) 25
27% (184) 26+

661 voters have answered this question.

What country do you live in?

57% (382) United States of America
15% (102) United Kingdom
4% (29) Canada
2% (14) Mexico/Central America
0% (4) South America
13% (89) Europe
1% (8) Africa
0% (3) China
0% (2) Japan
2% (14) Australia/New Zealand
2% (14) Other

661 voters have answered this question.

Think of this. From 16 & up, in most countries around the world sons and daughters are old enough to drive, vote, serve in the military, own property, get married and have kids of their own. Aren't they too old to be spanked like 8 year olds?

2% (16) Yes
34% (230) No
20% (134) Sometimes the circumstances calls for it.
42% (281) My roof, my rules, my consequences!

661 voters have answered this question.

Scenario: Curfew is 12:00 am. Your son and or daughter comes in at 12:05 you____

35% (236) Remind them of the curfew time and give warning
26% (176) You listen to the reason why he/she is late
37% (249) Late is late I'm getting the cane!

661 voters have answered this question.

Scenario: You spent $$$$ for your son/daughter college education. They are put on academic suspension for getting 5 F's you

3% (25) Make my son/daughter quit school and find a job to pay me back
10% (69) Get them a tutor, education is too important
85% (567) It's obvious he/she was not studying and playing, so we're going to have a Lexan Paddle Party!!!

661 voters have answered this question.

Scenario: Your son/daughter is 21 & driving back from a bar drunk. They get arrested for a DUI you____

1% (9) Bail them out and call an attorney
4% (29) Let him/her sit in jail he/she is on his/her own
3% (22) Bail them out and take the car keys
90% (601) When l get him/her home l am getting the belt and lightning that rear on fire! Someone could have been killed!!

661 voters have answered this question.

Scenario: Your 20 year old son/daughter took a plea for 10 years deferred probation for possession a controlled substance in a school zone. He/she is cocky and minimize the seriousness of this situation______

27% (181) Make sure the conditions of probation are followed
22% (146) Get him/ her into rehab
24% (160) Let him/her know that this could lead to serious prison time
83% (551) Weekly bun smoking maintenance spanking sessions will happen until he/she understands!

661 voters have answered this question.

Scenario: Your son/daughter was given a less than honorable discharge from the military_____

54% (359) I would bust that rear as soon as she/he came home
3% (23) He/she wouldn't live here anymore
14% (94) He/she would be on their own with that
27% (185) The shame would be too deep and wide, there's no right answer for this.

661 voters have answered this question.

Is there an age when its too old to spank?

81% (541) Not as long as my kid(s) are in my house
18% (120) Eventually he/she will have to learn about other consequences if he/she wants to continue to misbehave or be irresponsible in the adult world

661 voters have answered this question.

Have you spanked in the last 24 hours of taking this poll?

24% (161) Yes Son(s)
39% (261) Yes Daughter(s)
7% (51) Yes Both
28% (188) No

661 voters have answered this question.

For the parents who do not spank their adolescent/adult kids what is your take on the subject?

16% (34) Kids shouldn't be spanked after middle, high school at the most, spanking an adult after high school is a little much
9% (20) Spanking your child in their 20s is silly & makes the parent look bad
56% (120) I have no opinion other than l wouldn't do that
17% (38) A family in which the parent is spanking an adult son/daughter sound like Jerry Springer stuff. Sorry I just find that downright bizzare!

212 voters have answered this question.

This concludes the poll thanks! Feel free to share your thoughts on the message board.

17% (113) To the non-spanking parents of adolescent/adult sons/daughters we are a normal functioning family and not bizarre freaks.
32% (213) I just spanked my son/daughter(s)
24% (164) I will spank my son/daughter(s) between now to a one week span for an offense
25% (171) Nothing going on at the moment all is calm :)

661 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-07-09 20:00:09 by aries44
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