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Car seat

What is your age

2% (3) 5
0% (0) 6
0% (1) 7
0% (0) 8
1% (2) 9
8% (10) 10
4% (5) 11
10% (13) 12
9% (12) 13
13% (17) 14
18% (23) 15
13% (16) 16
17% (21) 17

123 voters have answered this question.

Do you use a regular seat, car seat or booster seat

0% (1) Regular seat
80% (99) Carseat
18% (23) Bosterseat

123 voters have answered this question.

If a car seat who straps you in

70% (87) Parent
23% (29) Younger/older brother or sister
1% (2) Yourself
4% (6) Babysitter

124 voters have answered this question.

Do you like the carseat

56% (70) Yes
42% (53) No
1% (2) Don't use a carseat

125 voters have answered this question.

What do you like about the car seat

34% (39) Comfortable
27% (31) Can't move
37% (42) Feel safe

112 voters have answered this question.

Can you strap yourself in

21% (27) Yes
77% (97) No
0% (1) Don't use a carseat

125 voters have answered this question.

Can you undo the buckles by yourself

8% (10) Yes
62% (77) No
29% (37) The buckles are locked

124 voters have answered this question.

Please leave comments or a story of you car seat experience

No graph available for this question

42 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-07-30 15:07:17 by Kyle usa-1
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