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A few questions on society and morals

Importance of certain pieces of media, general political stuff, and a few questions on morality.

What region do you live in?

20% (13) Europe
3% (2) Asia
4% (3) Africa
69% (44) North America (and/or Mexico)
0% (0) Central America (not Mexico) or Caribbean Islands
0% (0) South America
1% (1) Australasia (Australia or surrounding Islands) or Oceania
0% (0) Other Islands (Sorry for not using a region here. Figuring out how Australasia/Oceania were classified was difficult enough!)

63 voters have answered this question.

Gender (Be honest, please)

82% (52) Male
17% (11) Female
0% (0) Other / Multiple
0% (0) Undecided

63 voters have answered this question.

Career (most significant if you have multiple careers)

0% (0) Agriculture, Farming
6% (4) Education
15% (10) Engineering, Research
4% (3) Sales, Small Business
0% (0) Finance, Investment, Banking, or Upper management
3% (2) Organizational management
3% (2) Self-employed in craft, trade, or niche market
3% (2) Public safety, or Police, Fire, Ambulance
4% (3) Hospitality, Food
14% (9) Unemployed
19% (12) Full-time Student (Not High School)
4% (3) Not interested in a career
20% (13) Other / Unlisted (I probably left out a lot, sorry, will add if I update)

63 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following do you believe is the most valuable form of media? Please disregard any technological requirement or cost.

62% (39) Books
25% (16) Film, including short-film
8% (5) Video games, including educational and workplace training
3% (2) They're all worthless

62 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following is most important to you in society?

52% (33) Freedom and/or Liberty
9% (6) Social Equality
17% (11) Scientific and/or Intellectual Progress
11% (7) Happiness and/or Contentness
3% (2) Political and Military Strength of the State or Nation
6% (4) Economic and/or Technological Prosperity

63 voters have answered this question.

Given the choice of killing one man you don't know, and killing three men you dislike, which would you do? (You have to kill somebody.)

26% (16) Kill the man I don't know anything about
73% (44) Kill the three men I know I dislike

60 voters have answered this question.

If someone promised you enough money to support yourself for the next five years if you killed a stray dog by kicking it in the head, would you do it? (In this question, and the following, assume you make enough money to support yourself already.)

22% (14) Yes, I would take the large amount of money and kill the dog.
77% (49) No, I wouldn't kill the stray dog, even for that much money.

63 voters have answered this question.

If someone promised you enough money to support yourself for the next five years if you killed a stray lizard by squishing it with your foot, would you do it?

50% (32) Yes, I would take the money and end the lizard's life.
49% (31) No, the life of the lizard is worth more than money I didn't need.

63 voters have answered this question.

Your father died many years ago, and a piece of clothing he used to wear, the last item you have of his, is rotting and attracting rodents and pests to your house. Your house is the only place you can store it, and if you do you have to keep it hung in the closet. Do you throw the shirt away, or keep it?

83% (52) I throw the shirt away.
16% (10) I keep the shirt.

62 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-08-28 12:20:21 by bouncingCow
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