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Why some kids like to lose thier shoe

This poll is for kids 16 and under I have seen a lot of polls about kids losing are taking off one shoe I want to know why. I lose my right shoe all the time and have to go wearing just one shoe. I just like not having but one shoe.my friends got me started by stealing my right shoe at school and I had to go two days with out it till my dad got paid. I loved it. I got new ones and went to the mall and let my right shoe fall from the seconded floor and then went and tried to find it by the time I got down to the spot it fell it was gone. I spend the rest of the day at the mall with one shoe and had a blast that's when my friends started calling me the one shoed kid. I got home and got in so much trouble my parents grounded me for two weeks and refused to by me new shoes I threw a fit for new shoes but they said no.(I really did want new shoes)they have made me go everywhere even school with one shoe thinking they are teaching me a lesson .

how old are you

39% (18) 10-13
60% (28) 14-16

46 voters have answered this question.

male or female

95% (41) male
4% (2) female

43 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever wear one shoe

95% (42) yes
4% (2) no

44 voters have answered this question.

which shoe do you like to lose

62% (28) right
20% (9) left
17% (8) either

45 voters have answered this question.

how long would you go wearing one shoe if you had a choice (be very honest please)

44% (20) few hours a day
8% (4) a week
6% (3) month
40% (18) if I could I would never wear but one shoe

45 voters have answered this question.

Why do you like to wear one shoe

34% (16) it feels better
58% (27) I like the way it looks
52% (24) I like being differnt
34% (16) other please explain

46 voters have answered this question.

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22 voters have answered this question.

do you have stories about losing and wearing one shoe if so how long did you get to wear one shoe

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22 voters have answered this question.

what do you like on your shoeless foot

26% (12) bare
71% (33) white sock
26% (12) black sock
10% (5) bright colored sock
0% (0) other

46 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-09-03 01:45:05 by the one shoed kid
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