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Take if you have to poop.

Can you hold hold it? Or will you poop in your pants?

First off, how badly do you need to poop right now? (This same scale will be carried throughout the poll)

7% (13) 1 - Can't feel it at all.
7% (13) 2 - A little.
10% (19) 3 - Have to go.
17% (31) 4 - Should probably go within the hour.
20% (35) 5 - Don't think I can hold it for more than 20 minutes. Starting to squirm.
21% (37) 6 - Doing all I can to keep it from coming out right now.
8% (14) 7 - It's starting to come out in my pants!
0% (0) 8 - I'm pooping in my pants..
3% (6) 9 - Some came out but I still need to go.
4% (7) 10 - I just completely soiled myself.

175 voters have answered this question.

Are you male or female?

53% (89) Male
46% (78) Female

167 voters have answered this question.

What kind of pants are you wearing (endangering) right now?

25% (44) Just underwear
9% (17) Boxers
13% (23) Jeans
1% (3) Dress pants
7% (13) Skirt or dress
9% (17) Shorts
0% (0) Overalls/jumpsuit
10% (19) Leggings/yoga pants
1% (3) Workout/running pants or shorts
5% (9) Sweats
15% (27) Other _______ (such as?)

175 voters have answered this question.

Where are you right now?

57% (100) Bedroom
12% (22) Bathroom
2% (5) Kitchen
14% (25) Living Room
4% (7) Office (Home)
2% (5) Basement
0% (1) Work ___________ (where?)
5% (10) Other ___________ (where?)

175 voters have answered this question.

How long ago did you last eat?

4% (8) Haven't eaten yet today
42% (75) A few hours ago
24% (42) About an hour ago
6% (12) Around thirty minutes ago
14% (25) Less than thirty minutes ago
7% (13) Eating right now

175 voters have answered this question.

Of course it depends on what you eat, but, on average, how long after you eat do you usually have to poop?

22% (40) 24 + hours
27% (48) I can wait a few hours
17% (31) Maybe 2-3 hours
10% (19) An hour
12% (21) Within the hour
9% (16) Right away!

175 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever accidentally pooped in your pants before (not including as a young child)?

63% (111) Yes
36% (64) No

175 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever pooped in your pants because you waited too long (whether on purpose or due to unfortunate circumstances)?

72% (127) Yes
27% (48) No

175 voters have answered this question.

Do you consider 'sharting' pooping your pants?

33% (59) Yes
25% (45) No
40% (71) Depends on how much comes out...

175 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever sharted? If so, how bad was it?

57% (100) Yes
42% (75) No

175 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever visited toiletstool.com before?

23% (41) Yes
61% (107) No
15% (27) I've heard of it, but never have looked it up

175 voters have answered this question.

Follow the link below and read at least the first post "Wife's Embarrassing Moment" (no, it's not by me, but I love this website and it's a good post). Did reading about this woman's accident in her pants increase your need to poop? http://www.toiletstool.com/toilet/toiletpostbxc.htm

25% (44) Yes - a little
32% (57) Yes - significantly
42% (74) No

175 voters have answered this question.

Massage your stomach in circles around your bellybutton area for 30 seconds. Did this make your need to poop stronger?

40% (70) Yes - a little
33% (58) Yes - significantly
26% (47) No

175 voters have answered this question.

Where do you rank on the scale now?

4% (8) 1 - Can't feel it at all.
9% (16) 2 - Have to go a little.
1% (3) 3 - Have to go.
16% (29) 4 - Should probably go within the hour.
15% (27) 5 - Don't think I can hold it for longer than 20 minutes. Starting to squirm.
24% (42) 6 - Doing all I can to keep it from coming out right now.
15% (27) 7 - It's starting to come out in my pants!
2% (4) 8 - I'm pooping in my pants..
3% (6) 9 - Some came out but I still need to go.
7% (13) 10 - I just completely soiled myself.

175 voters have answered this question.

Do you just need to poop, or is it diarrhea?

10% (18) Diarrhea
59% (104) Solid poop
26% (46) Somewhere in between
4% (7) I don't have to go

175 voters have answered this question.

Okay, it's squat time! Stand with your legs spread wide and do 15 slow squats. Did this increase your need to poop?

24% (42) Yes - a little
24% (42) Yes - significantly
15% (27) No
25% (44) It started to come out! I'm barely hanging on
11% (20) I couldn't hold it and pooped in my pants! ___________ (just a little, or all the way?)

175 voters have answered this question.

Go drink a glass of water and wait 10 minutes (sometimes water helps to get the bowels moving). If you need some reading material to pass the time, go back and explore the forum on toiletstool.com!

19% (34) I have to poop even more now
22% (40) This didn't really change my need to go
15% (27) Didn't increase my need to poop, but I have to pee now
29% (52) Now I have to poop more and I have to pee..
12% (22) I couldn't hold it! I pooped my pants. ____________ (completely? or did some come out, but you still have to go?)

175 voters have answered this question.

Think about what kind of food makes you need to poop almost immediately (nothing that you're allergic to or otherwise! please don't hurt yourself. just pick a food that you know gets your bowels moving! maybe a fiber bar, etc.) If you don't have anything immediately available, just drink another glass of water. Wait ten minutes. Again, you know where to find some reading material. How did this affect your need to poop? (back to the scale!)

6% (12) 1 - Can't feel it at all.
5% (9) 2 - Have to go a little.
4% (7) 3 - Have to go.
9% (16) 4 - Should probably go within the hour.
14% (25) 5 - Don't think I can hold it for longer than 20 minutes. Starting to squirm.
17% (30) 6 - Doing all I can to keep it from coming out right now!
19% (34) 7 - It's starting to come out!
6% (11) 8 - I'm pooping in my pants..
7% (13) 9 - Some came out but I still need to go.
10% (18) 10 - I just completely soiled myself.

175 voters have answered this question.

Tell me about a time when you accidentally pooped your pants or witnessed somebody else poop in their pants. If you haven't had an accident or witnessed one, tell me about a time you were really desperate to go and worried you wouldn't make it.

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175 voters have answered this question.

If you have had had an accident yourself or have witnessed one, who was around? If the story you shared was about a close call, who was around that would've witnessed it had you actually gone in your pants? In any of these cases, what did or what would've happened? How did the people (if any) around react? How did you or the person who had an accident or close call react?

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175 voters have answered this question.

If you have ever pooped in your pants (by accident or on purpose), how did it feel? If you haven't pooped your pants (other than as a child), how do imagine it would feel? Do you want to try it?

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175 voters have answered this question.

Does talking about a previous accident, someone else's accident, or even the possibility of an accident have any effect on your urge to poop right now?

18% (33) Yes - a little
8% (14) Yes - significantly increased my need to go
20% (35) Yes - I want to go poop now!!!!!
26% (46) No
15% (27) It's coming out!
11% (20) I pooped my pants!! _____________(all the way, or just some?)

175 voters have answered this question.

Is anyone around you right now that might witness you poop in your pants if you can't hold it during this survey? If so, who? How would they react if you did poop yourself? How would you react if this person or people (or if no one is around, a hypothetical person) did see you poop in your pants? Would you try and hide it?

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175 voters have answered this question.

Where are you now?

5% (9) 1 - Can't feel it at all.
6% (11) 2 - Have to go a little.
4% (7) 3 - Have to go.
5% (10) 4 - Should probably go within the hour.
10% (18) 5 - Don't think I can hold it longer than 20 minutes. Starting to squirm.
20% (35) 6 - Doing everything I can to keep it from coming out right now!
17% (31) 7 - It's starting to come out!
10% (19) 8 - I'm pooping in my pants!
9% (17) 9 - I just went in my pants a little but still need to go.
10% (18) 10 - I just completely filled my pants!

175 voters have answered this question.

Ok, brace yourselves. Here comes some tough stuff.

24% (42) Good!
18% (32) Oh great, I don't know if I can hold it!
21% (37) You mean the other stuff wasn't hard...?
29% (52) Bring it on.
6% (12) ___________ (Something else?)

175 voters have answered this question.

Push on your stomach (not super hard, but not too lightly, either) ten times. Did this increase your need to go?

24% (43) Yes - a little
36% (64) Yes - significantly (I have GOT to go)
18% (33) No
20% (35) I just went in my pants. ________ (all the way or just some came out?)

175 voters have answered this question.

Stand up. Spread your legs apart into a wide stance. Sink down into the squatting position and hold. Relax your body as much as you can. Stay like this for 30 seconds. Do you need to go worse now?

14% (25) Yes - a little
36% (63) Yes - significantly
18% (32) No
31% (55) I just went in my pants _______ (all the way, or did just some come out?)

175 voters have answered this question.

Okay, now lay down on your back. Relax your body and relax your colon. Push lightly with your sphincter muscles (as if you were on a toilet, but just lightly) for 15 seconds. What happened?

16% (28) I have to go a little bit more
37% (66) Definitely increased my need to go!
13% (23) Didn't really affect my need to go
33% (58) It came out in my pants! ______ (all of it? or do you still need to go?)

175 voters have answered this question.

Now, go sit on the toilet for a full minute with your pants on and come back. What happened?

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175 voters have answered this question.

Stand up again and spread your legs. Again, sink down into that squat stance. Hold it for 15 seconds. Then, stay in that position and push lightly with your sphincter muscles for 15 additional seconds. What happened?

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175 voters have answered this question.

Did you enjoy this survey?

90% (158) Yes
9% (17) No

175 voters have answered this question.

Did you poop your pants during the survey?

52% (92) Yes
16% (29) No
18% (33) Almost!
7% (13) A little
4% (8) No, but I will at the end

175 voters have answered this question.

If you did poop your pants, was it a legitimate accident, like you couldn't hold it anymore?

56% (98) Yes
44% (77) No

175 voters have answered this question.

If you did have an accident during the survey, describe it. When it happened, how it felt, etc.

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117 voters have answered this question.

Any feedback?

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102 voters have answered this question.

How do you try to hold it to keep from pooping your pants when you're absolutely dying to go?

50% (88) Squirm
39% (69) Cross legs
61% (108) Clench cheeks
46% (81) Hold butt
26% (47) Bend over
24% (43) Sit on heel
33% (58) Sit
24% (43) Stay still
25% (45) Bounce
15% (27) Other _________ ?

175 voters have answered this question.

And, lastly, how badly do you need to GO at the end of this poll?

4% (7) 1 - Still not at all.
8% (14) 2 - A little bit.
2% (5) 3 - Have to go.
3% (6) 4 - Should go within the hour.
4% (8) 5 - Don't think I can hold it longer than 20 minutes. Squirming.
9% (16) 6 - Doing absolutely everything I can to keep it from coming out right now!
9% (16) 7 - It's starting to come out!
5% (9) 8 - I'm pooping my pants!
8% (15) 9 - I just went a little bit in my pants but I still need to go!
48% (85) 10 - I just completely took a dump in my pants.
9% (17) Other _______ ?

175 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2014-12-25 23:22:23 by fredpen
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