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Spanked in Public

Have you ever been spanked in public ?

97% (670) Yes
2% (18) No

688 voters have answered this question.

If yes, what was your approximate age ?

16% (110) 2-5
37% (251) 6-10
52% (348) 11-14
43% (293) 15-18

666 voters have answered this question.

What was your mode of dress during the spanking ?

7% (49) Over pants
2% (17) Over skirt/dress
2% (19) Over short pants
9% (61) Skirt/dress lifted, On panties
4% (27) Pants, shorts lowered on panties
25% (169) Skirt/dress lifted, panties down on bare bottom
49% (329) pants/shorts and panties lowered on bare bottom

671 voters have answered this question.

Who witnessed this spanking ? Check all that apply.

81% (546) Adults
57% (383) Girls younger than you
67% (453) Girls about your age
50% (337) Girls older than you
51% (343) Boys younger than you
60% (404) Boys about your age
45% (303) Boys older than you

671 voters have answered this question.

How did you react ? Answewr all that apply.

78% (525) I cried
39% (262) I kicked
40% (269) I screamed
12% (85) I had no visible reaction

667 voters have answered this question.

How did the witnesses react ? Check all that apply.

2% (16) Someone tried to stop my spanking
55% (365) Some or all laughed
76% (505) Some or all watched silently
23% (155) Some turned to look away

663 voters have answered this question.

Which was worse ?

9% (61) The pain
42% (286) The embarrassment/humiliation
42% (282) Both were horrible
6% (41) Neither really bothered me (I'm a masochistic show-off)

670 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-03-21 08:05:57 by rogesq
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