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have your kids ever been swimming fully clothed in their shoe and socks

to find out if any parents know if their kids have ever been swimming fully clothed and if so why they did it

have your kids ever been swimming fully clothed in their shoes and socks

100% (14) yes
7% (1) not that i know about
0% (0) no

14 voters have answered this question.

if your kids have been swimming fully clothed in their shoe and socks what was the reason for them doing it

50% (7) they didi not have their swim wear with them so i let them swim in their clothes
21% (3) it was for a swimming badge
28% (4) it was prearranged
7% (1) a swimming race
42% (6) they were dare to do it
14% (2) they fell in
28% (4) i pushed them in
14% (2) they were pushed in by their brother(s) sister(s)
14% (2) they were pushed in by their friends
7% (1) they were pushed in by a family member
14% (2) they were thrown in
14% (2) they jumped in before i could stop them
7% (1) they dived in before i could stop them

14 voters have answered this question.

where were they when they did it

21% (3) local swimming pool
57% (8) privet swimming pool
64% (9) local pond/lake
14% (2) local canal
28% (4) local river
57% (8) the sea

14 voters have answered this question.

were you wit them when they did it

100% (14) yes
21% (3) no

14 voters have answered this question.

what were they wearing

71% (10) normal every day clothes
28% (4) their school uniform
21% (3) their beaver/cub/scout uniform
42% (6) their sport wear

14 voters have answered this question.

how did you react when they did it

85% (12) i was not bothered i know they were going to do it
35% (5) i just laugh at them for doing it
0% (0) i told them off
0% (0) i would rather not say

14 voters have answered this question.

how old were they when they first did it

21% (3) under 8
7% (1) 8
14% (2) 9
35% (5) 10
21% (3) 11
14% (2) 12
7% (1) 13
14% (2) 14
21% (3) 14+

14 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-06-23 18:38:58 by HOWARDTHEDUCK
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