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A Political Lunch

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Who would you wine and dine with?

Which of the following would you like to lunch with - choose as many as you like!

30% (6) Maggie Thatcher
15% (3) Osama Bin Laden
15% (3) Saddam Hussein
20% (4) Fidel Castro
10% (2) Colnel Gaddafi
55% (11) George W. Bush
25% (5) Hitler
90% (18) God
20% (4) Boris Yeltsin
10% (2) General Musharaf
15% (3) Ho Chi Minh
20% (4) Karl Marx
15% (3) Mao Zedong
30% (6) The Queen of England
50% (10) Mickey Mouse

20 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following would you LEAST like to have dinner with?

15% (3) Maggie Thatcher
75% (15) Osama Bin Laden
60% (12) Saddam Hussein
45% (9) Fidel Castro
25% (5) Colnel Gaddafi
20% (4) George W. Bush
75% (15) Hitler
5% (1) God
15% (3) Boris Yeltsin
20% (4) General Musharaf
25% (5) Ho Chi Minh
25% (5) Karl Marx
25% (5) Mao Zedong
20% (4) The Queen of England
15% (3) Mickey Mouse

20 voters have answered this question.

Would you eat a maggot for £/$1?

20% (4) Yes
75% (15) No
5% (1) Yes, and I wouldn't need to be payed

20 voters have answered this question.

Do you prefer...

33% (7) Rolls
33% (7) Sandwiches
4% (1) Buns
19% (4) Baguettes
9% (2) Toast

21 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-11-19 20:21:25 by mistarmostyn
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