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Married women: Would you barter sex for goods and services?

Sex bartering has been around for thousands of years. What are your limits?

I am a ...

96% (99) Married woman (please continue)
0% (1) Single woman (stop here)
2% (3) Man (stop here)

103 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

15% (16) Under 20
27% (28) 20-29
26% (27) 30-39
22% (23) 40-49
3% (4) 50-59
2% (3) 60 or older

101 voters have answered this question.

What is the least valuable material object that you would trade sex for?

8% (8) $1
21% (21) $10
41% (41) $100
15% (15) $1000
7% (7) $10,000
0% (0) $100,000
1% (1) Million dollars or more
5% (5) I would only trade for something important that couldn't be bought at any price
2% (2) There is nothing that I would trade sex for

100 voters have answered this question.

Which of these would you consider trading sex for?

47% (47) Sold out concert tickets
48% (48) An "A" in a class
44% (44) Admission to college or graduate school
76% (76) A job or promotion for me
84% (84) A job or promotion for my husband
58% (58) Getting my son or daughter into an exclusive school
46% (46) Getting into an exclusive club
27% (27) Being on television
71% (71) To not be arrested
71% (71) To not get fired for doing something wrong
62% (62) Delay foreclosure or eviction for a month

99 voters have answered this question.

The man you are bartering with refuses to use protection. Would you ...

17% (17) Say "no protection, no deal."
48% (48) Try to talk him into using protection, but do it with him anyway if he refuses
35% (35) Actually prefer he not use protection

100 voters have answered this question.

How would you feel while bartering sex?

45% (45) Turned on
13% (13) Ashamed
29% (29) Excited
11% (11) Embarassed

98 voters have answered this question.

How would your husband feel if you bartered sex?

28% (28) Humiliated
15% (15) Proud
33% (33) Turned on
23% (23) Angry

99 voters have answered this question.

Since you've been married, have you ever actually bartered sex?

19% (20) Never
13% (14) Once
39% (40) Several times
26% (27) Many times

101 voters have answered this question.

Your comments are welcomed. Tell about a time you actually did this, or tell about what you are considering.

No graph available for this question

29 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2015-12-01 16:28:37 by Melissa.Turner
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