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Primary School PE Kits! (UK)

What was you PE kit like in Primary School? Did you even have a kit? Please tell us about it in the poll below.

Did you have a PE Kit in Primary School?

87% (166) Yes
12% (23) No

189 voters have answered this question.

Are you Male or Female?

81% (153) Male
18% (35) Female

188 voters have answered this question.

What was your kit?

3% (7) Whatever I was wearing
34% (65) Tshirt
54% (103) Shorts
19% (37) Pants
19% (36) Vest
1% (3) Trousers
35% (68) Other (please use the info box)

189 voters have answered this question.

What happened if you forgot your kit?

12% (23) Sat out and watched
7% (14) Did it in whatever I was wearing
30% (56) Had to do it in pants and vest
49% (90) Other (please use the info box)

183 voters have answered this question.

If you had to do it pants and vest when you forgot your kit, did you do it?

77% (104) Yes I did
22% (30) No I didn't

134 voters have answered this question.

If you said "No", why?

28% (16) There was just no way I was going to do that
12% (7) I didn't have a vest on that day
59% (34) Something else (please use the info box)

57 voters have answered this question.

Please post your PE stories here or in the messages section!

No graph available for this question

80 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-03-04 18:43:34 by I Never Knew That
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