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President 2016. Who are you going to vote for?

Who will you most likely vote for in November

1. Who are you leaning towards now?

10% (1) Gary Johnson/Bill Weld
10% (1) Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka
20% (2) Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine
60% (6) Donald Trump/Mike Pence

10 voters have answered this question.

2. How much influence does/did the vice presidential running mate have in your vote or opinion of the candidates?

20% (2) None at all (come on, the VP doesn't even do anything!)
60% (6) Slight influence, but not enough to change my vote (the prez is still way more important than the VP)
10% (1) Moderate influence. I still like my candidate, but not so much the running mate. Support is a bit weaker, but still supporting the same candidate
10% (1) Heavy influence. (Picking a running mate is the first job a president does) My original choice blew it, so now I'm voting for someone else (your answer to question #1 should be your new choice)

10 voters have answered this question.

3. Do you think Gary Johnson will make the 15% threshold for the debate stage?

10% (1) Yes
70% (7) No
20% (2) No, but they'll let him in the debates anyway

10 voters have answered this question.

4. What is the most important factor in your decision?

20% (2) Jobs/the economy
30% (3) Foreign policy/ISIS
0% (0) the environment/climate change
10% (1) corruption/the electoral college/term limits
0% (0) education
0% (0) healthcare
0% (0) government spending/national debt
10% (1) the supreme court picks
0% (0) police brutality/the war on drugs/marijuana
30% (3) something else

10 voters have answered this question.

5. Who would you rather have seen as your candidate's running mate? And if the VP running mate made you change your mind, who do you think that person should have picked instead?

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4 voters have answered this question.

6. Who do you think will win the presidential debates (assume Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are invited)

0% (0) Gary Johnson
10% (1) Jill Stein
30% (3) Hillary Clinton
60% (6) Donald trump

10 voters have answered this question.

7. Who do you think will win the vice presidential debate? (assume Bill Weld and Ajamu Baraka will be invited)

0% (0) Bill Weld
10% (1) Ajamu Baraka
20% (2) Tim Kaine
70% (7) Mike Pence

10 voters have answered this question.

8. What do you think is the most important qualification for president?

10% (1) Ethics
10% (1) Money/social class
0% (0) Being a woman and/or minority
10% (1) Experience holding prior elected office
20% (2) Being an outsider (never having political office before)
0% (0) Being fodder for memes
0% (0) Ability to recruit and build a good cabinet
0% (0) Agreement on social issues
0% (0) Having grown up poor/rags to riches
10% (1) IQ/intelligence/education at prestigious schools
0% (0) Business acumen
0% (0) Having served in the military/being a veteran
40% (4) something else

10 voters have answered this question.

9. Ajamu Baraka is the only one out of the 8 to have served in the military. Does his veteran's status impact your decision?

14% (1) Yes, only someone who served in the military can make a good commander in chief, so I'll vote Stein/Baraka
57% (4) That's good, and thank Baraka for his service, but it's not the only thing, and I'm not really a fan of Jill Stein
28% (2) Nope. That dude is crazy

7 voters have answered this question.

10. Gary Johnson really is a self-made millionaire, unlike Trump, who borrowed a "small" loan of a million dollars decades ago (which is equivalent to much more in today's dollars). Does this information convince you to vote for Gary Johnson?

14% (1) Yeah, that's awesome
71% (5) That's cool, but I don't agree with his politics. What's Aleppo?

7 voters have answered this question.

11. Bill Weld and Gary Johnson were both successful two-term republican governors of heavily blue states. Does this steer you towards voting for them?

14% (1) Yes, they know how to work with both parties and reach an agreement and get things done
57% (4) Nope. I don't like their stances on the issues.
28% (2) They sound good, but I'm not quite ready to support them just yet because

7 voters have answered this question.

12. Donald Trump is very close to the Clinton family. So a vote for Hillary is a vote for Trump, and a vote for Trump is a vote for Hillary. Does this make it a good time to support Jill Stein or Gary Johnson?

12% (1) Yes. I'll consider Jill Stein
12% (1) Yes. I'll consider Gary Johnson
12% (1) No. I want a woman president no matter how many private servers she has!
62% (5) No. I want Trump to BUILD THE WALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 voters have answered this question.

13. If you voted Bernie Sanders, or tried to vote for Bernie, in the primary. Who do you support now?

12% (1) Jill Stein
0% (0) Gary Johnson
12% (1) Hillary Clinton
25% (2) Donald trump
50% (4) N/A (I did not vote, and did not want to vote, for Bernie Sanders)

8 voters have answered this question.

14. If you used to like Trump, or if you voted for Trump in the primary but have changed your mind since. Would you have kept your support for Trump if he picked John Kasich as his running mate? (Trump did offer the VP slot to Kasich first, but he turned it down)

50% (2) Yes. Kasich is still well-liked in Ohio, gets things done, and doesn't insult everybody
50% (2) No. Nothing can save Trump now

4 voters have answered this question.

15. You generally consider yourself

12% (1) Liberal
50% (4) Conservative
12% (1) Moderate
25% (2) Socially liberal, fiscally conservative

8 voters have answered this question.

16. Party affiliation

22% (2) Democrat
66% (6) Republican
11% (1) Independent/undeclared

9 voters have answered this question.

17. What state are you from?

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6 voters have answered this question.

18. What is Aleppo? And how do you think it affected Gary Johnson's campaign?

0% (0) So what? Trump doesn't know what Aleppo is, either!
71% (5) It makes him look stupid on foreign policy, so it could seriously hurt his campaign
14% (1) Bad that he didn't know Aleppo, but he recovered nicely, and admitting you don't know everything is OK, as long as you own up to it and learn from it. Aleppo won't hurt him
0% (0) Of course he doesn't. Because he isn't preoccupied invading other countries for no reason!
0% (0) Any press is good press, so it helped more than it hurt. Because now his name is everywhere!
14% (1) Still not as crazy as Jill Stein

7 voters have answered this question.

19. Jill Stein supporters. Isn't she just a left-wing Donald trump?

25% (1) I plan to vote for her because she's the closest to Bernie Sanders politically/ideologically
75% (3) Maybe, but I'd rather a left-wing Trump than a right-wing Trump
0% (0) NO. She is totally correct and everyone else is evil!

4 voters have answered this question.

20. Anything else? Answer here and/or leave a message

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1 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-09-10 03:49:42 by okperson
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