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Will you vote for this man as your President?

He cursed the Pope and he got elected as president of the Philippines. He called the US Ambassador "Gay" and he got $32 Million in Military Aid. He hypothetically cursed Obama and he got the ASEAN Chairmanship. His administration is running a war against drugs and almost 3,000+ drug dealers, alleged drug dealers, drug users, and criminals are all dead in 3 months.

Will you vote for him is he runs for President in the US?

34% (10) No, he is just like Donald Trump.
13% (4) Yes, we deserve a leader who has guts.
20% (6) Never, he is a killer.
13% (4) Definitely, he is a great leader.
17% (5) I don't know him? I don't care.

29 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-09-15 14:35:55 by Wawartzzz
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