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Dewey Defeats Truman

For those too young to appreciate the title. Dewey was favored to win and the Chicago Tribune newspaper jumped the gun. Truman in fact won the election.

At the time of the 1948 election, the polls were not in Truman's favor and no one thought he could win. During the last weeks of the election, Truman embarked on his famous Whistle Stop campaign going across the county by train portraying himself as a "Washington Outsider". His honesty and integrity won the hearts of the American people and when all was said and done, he won by 2 million votes. Do you think the second greatest upset in political history will be repeated in 2016?

50% (2) Yes
25% (1) No
25% (1) Maybe

4 voters have answered this question.

Is the reopening of the email investigation causing you to have second thoughts about Hillary's honesty and integrity?

50% (2) Yes
50% (2) No

4 voters have answered this question.

Which is more important to you? A candidate who is honest and trustworthy or one with experience in Washington?

75% (3) Honest and trustworthy
25% (1) Washington experience

4 voters have answered this question.

650,000 emails somehow ended up on Huma Abedins and Anthony Weiner's laptop. Huma gave us two versions to choose from, she doesn't know how they got there and then claims that she forwarded them as it was easier to print the emails elsewhere rather than on the government equipment. Huma seems to have the same credibility issues as her boss! It seems that their parents forgot to teach them that, "honesty is always the best policy". Do you agree or disagree with the above?

100% (4) Agree
0% (0) Disagree

4 voters have answered this question.

Flying to Florida this week to attend a Clinton rally, Obama cost the U.S. taxpayer around $200,000 in jet fuel, money which could have purchased many Thanksgiving dinners for needy American citizens. Do you think there should be a law against sitting Presidents participating in election campaigns?

75% (3) Yes
25% (1) No

4 voters have answered this question.

Does Trump's lack of political experience bother you or do you feel that he will surround himself with capable people to advise him and guide him through his first term in office?

33% (1) Lack of experience a concern
66% (2) Will appoint capable advisors

3 voters have answered this question.

Hillary seems to surround herself with a questionable crew of cronies, ie., she introduced Huma to Anthony, many who have been convicted of crimes such as the McDougals and Webb Hubbell to name a few. If she wins, do you feel that her cabinet choices will be upstanding and honest or will she fill Washington with more dubious characters?

0% (0) Yes, honest choices
100% (4) No, dubious characters

4 voters have answered this question.

Will you be voting for the first time?

0% (0) Yes
100% (4) No

4 voters have answered this question.

Are you from any of the below swing states?

0% (0) Florida
0% (0) Ohio
0% (0) North Carolina
0% (0) Virginia
0% (0) New Hampshire
0% (0) Pennsylvania

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2016-11-04 20:05:55 by concernedsenior
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