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kids swimming

To find out how a life gaurd would react if kids asked if they could jump or dive in to the swimming pool fully clothed in their shoes and socks for fun

Are you a pool life gaurd

75% (3) Yes
25% (1) No

4 voters have answered this question.

If s child csme up to you and asked you if they jump or dive in to the swimming pool fully clothed in their shoe and socks and swim in them to srr how their parents ewould react and they told you they had a change of clothes but they did not want their parents to know and wanted to do it in the clothes they were wearing when they got to the pool how would you react

0% (0) I would let them do it
0% (0) I would tell them about the risks they were about to under take and if they still wanted to do it let them do it
0% (0) I would tell them to take their shoes off and let them do it
50% (2) I would find out where their parents were and tell their parents what they wanted to do if their parents were happy for them to do it let them do it
50% (2) I would tell them no way

4 voters have answered this question.

Havre your ever had a child come up to you and ask if they could jump or dive in to the pool fully clothed in their shoes and socks and swim in it

25% (1) Yes once
25% (1) Yes a few times
50% (2) No

4 voters have answered this question.

How did you react

0% (0) I let them do it
0% (0) I told them about the risks they were about to under take and let them do it
25% (1) I told them to take their shoes and let them do it
50% (2) I found out where their parents were made sure they were happy for them to do it and let them do it
50% (2) I told them no way

4 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-01-17 10:29:02 by HOWARDTHEDUCK
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