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kids swimming in their school uniform

To find out how a teacher would react if one of the kids in their class jumped or dived into the swimming pool fully clothed in their shoes and socks with their school uniform on the next time they whent swimming

Are you a school teacher

100% (5) Yes
0% (0) No

5 voters have answered this question.

What age group do you.teach

20% (1) 5
40% (2) 6
20% (1) 7
20% (1) 8
20% (1) 9
40% (2) 10
40% (2) 11
60% (3) 12
20% (1) 13
40% (2) 14
20% (1) 15
20% (1) 16

5 voters have answered this question.

Dose your school have its own swimming pool

80% (4) Yes
20% (1) No we use the local Swimming pool

5 voters have answered this question.

How often do you go swimming

40% (2) Once a week
20% (1) Twice a week
40% (2) The age group i teach dn not go swimming

5 voters have answered this question.

How would you react if one of the kids in your class jumped or dived into the swimming pool fully clothed in their shoes and socks with their school uniform on for fun

20% (1) I would find out why they had done it and if they had achange of clothes aand make them get changed and.sit the restof the lesson out and tell their parents what they had done
20% (1) I would find out why they had done it and if they had a change of clothes if they did not havre a change of clothes they would sit the rest of the lesson out and i would have them go round for the rest of the day in wet clothes and if their clothes were still wet when they came to pick them up i would tell them what they had done
0% (0) I would find out if they had a change of clothes andeven if they did not i would have them do the lesson in their clothes even if they. Said they felt heave from jumping in
40% (2) I would just laugh at them and have them do the rest of the lesson in their clothes
20% (1) I would just laugh at them and then tell the rest of the class to jump or dive in fully clothed in their shoes and socks with their school uniform on if they wanted to do so

5 voters have answered this question.

Has any of the kids in your class ever jumped or dived into the swimming pool fully clothed in their shoes and socks with their school uniform on for fun

60% (3) Yes
40% (2) No

5 voters have answered this question.

How did you react

20% (1) Told them off and made them sit the rest of the lesson out
20% (1) I just laugh at them for doing it
60% (3) I laugh at them for doing it and made the rest of the class jump or dive in fully clothed in their shoes and socks with their school uniform on

5 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-01-17 17:56:08 by HOWARDTHEDUCK
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