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What would you do in West World?

This is about the HBO show Westworld, and if it was real what would you want to do. Also don't forget to check out my other polls (in the comments section).


61% (8) Male
38% (5) Female
0% (0) Trans
0% (0) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

Age? _____

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13 voters have answered this question.

Ok first would you want to be a guest (get to do whatever you want), or a host (get to be basically physically perfect and can't really die)?

38% (5) Guest
61% (8) Host

13 voters have answered this question.

The next couple questions are if you are a guest, but you can still answer if you would prefer being a host just pick what you prefer if you had to be a guest. So first, would you be a 'black hat'(evil) or a 'white hat'(good)?

63% (7) Black hat
36% (4) White hat

11 voters have answered this question.

For a black hat, what stuff would you want to do?

55% (5) Kill hosts
44% (4) Rob banks
22% (2) Join the confederate army
55% (5) Join bandits
55% (5) Gamble at the saloon
77% (7) Other (I'm sure I forgot plenty):

9 voters have answered this question.

As a white hat what would you do?

60% (3) Protect the town with the sheriff
80% (4) Fight bandits in outskirts
20% (1) Fight in US army
80% (4) Help homesteaders
80% (4) Romance a host (like William does)
40% (2) Gamble in saloon (It's not just for black hats!)
40% (2) Other:

5 voters have answered this question.

What do you think about the hosts, ethically? Are they close enough to human to deserve rights, or just very lifelike machines?

45% (5) They have emotions, can feel, so you should treat them like humans.
36% (4) They are just machines built for a specific purpose, you can use them as such.
18% (2) Other viewpoint:

11 voters have answered this question.

Now some questions about being a host. Firstly, what sex would you be (doesn't have to be what you are in real life)?

46% (6) Male
46% (6) Female
7% (1) Trans
0% (0) Other

13 voters have answered this question.

Would you change your physical appearance? If so, how would you change?

61% (8) Stay the same
38% (5) Change it. How?

13 voters have answered this question.

What role(s) would you want to be in Westworld?

30% (4) Sheriff
7% (1) Shopkeeper
0% (0) Farmer/homesteader
15% (2) Bandit
15% (2) Bartender
15% (2) Native American
15% (2) Soldier
0% (0) Saloon owner
30% (4) Saloon worker
46% (6) Other:

13 voters have answered this question.

Would you want to know that you are a host, or think you are just a regular person?

61% (8) I want to know what I am
38% (5) Ignorance is bliss!

13 voters have answered this question.

Memories for the hosts plays a major role in the show. Would you want to keep your memories every time you die and they bring you back?

15% (2) Of course not, I don't want to remember any bad things that might happen to me.
84% (11) Of course, I don't want to forget the things I've been through!

13 voters have answered this question.

Finally, this is for both hosts and guests. Why did you choose the role you chose, and why do you want to do those things?

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13 voters have answered this question.

Are there any specific storylines you would want to be involved in? Or do you have any ideas for storylines?

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6 voters have answered this question.

Thanks for taking my poll! Be sure to check out my other ones (in the comments). Leave any comments for me here about what you thought about my poll, or leave your email if you want to chat about Westworld and other tv shows.

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1 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-02-22 15:08:50 by Kinkykelly
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