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What do you wear at school and home

I just wanted to know what people wear to school, after school, and in the weekends/holidays.

Your gender?

73% (98) Male
26% (35) Female

133 voters have answered this question.

What do you wear at school?

85% (114) School uniform
14% (19) Casual

133 voters have answered this question.

For those who wear school uniform.....what do you wear

85% (98) Shirt
15% (18) Polo shirt
71% (81) Tie
18% (21) Short pants
64% (74) Long pants
26% (30) Skirt
5% (6) Dress
52% (60) Jumper - V neck
4% (5) Jumper - Crew neck
50% (58) Blazer

114 voters have answered this question.

For those who wear casual clothes....what do you wear

57% (19) T-shirt
45% (15) Shirt
27% (9) Polo
45% (15) Shorts
60% (20) Long pants. E.g. Jeans
12% (4) Dress
9% (3) Skirt

33 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a polo shirt, how do you wear it?

26% (11) Top button done up
58% (24) Top button undone
46% (19) Shirt tucked in
34% (14) Shirt left out

41 voters have answered this question.

For those who wear a shirt and tie, how do you wear it

87% (86) Tucked in
78% (77) Top button done up
12% (12) Shirt untucked
11% (11) Top button undone

98 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a tie, do you wear it

59% (55) Tightly tied
9% (9) Loosely tied. E.g. Unbuttoned shirt - with tie hanging
31% (29) Extremely tightly tied

93 voters have answered this question.

For those who wear a button up shirt without a tie. How do you wear it?

16% (8) Top two buttons unbuttoned
44% (22) One button left undone
40% (20) Top button done up

50 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a school uniform do you wear it 'correctly'? Top button done up, shirt tucked in, tie worn tightly, jumper on, blazer on

88% (102) 'Correctly'
11% (13) 'Incorrectly'

115 voters have answered this question.

Do you get in trouble for wearing incorrectly

48% (57) Yes - by my parents
64% (75) Yes - by teacher
31% (37) No

117 voters have answered this question.

Do most kids wear their uniforms correctly?

49% (57) Yes
15% (18) No
35% (41) Some

116 voters have answered this question.

Were you ever given a hard time for wearing your uniform correctly? What happened

66% (74) No - no one's given me a hard time
8% (9) No - I don't wear my uniform correctly
6% (7) Yes - shoved in a locker
9% (10) Yes - beaten up
9% (10) Yes - Been kicked (or anything of the sort) in the balls
15% (17) Yes - other

111 voters have answered this question.

If you said other - what happened

No graph available for this question

14 voters have answered this question.

If you wear a uniform - do you stay in in once you get home, or change out if it?

50% (58) Stay in it - until bed
9% (11) Stay in it - until finished homework
6% (7) Stay in it - until after dinner
34% (40) Get changed

116 voters have answered this question.

If you stay in your uniform when you get home, do you remove/change any part of it

6% (5) Keep it the same - messy
60% (50) Keep it the same - tie tied properly, shirt tucked in, top button fastened, blazer on, jumper on, etc
16% (14) Remove tie
18% (15) Undo top button
22% (19) Take off blazer
7% (6) Take of jumper
10% (9) Untuck shirt

83 voters have answered this question.

What do you wear on the weekend/holidays

44% (59) Shirt
19% (26) Polo
43% (58) T-shirt
42% (57) Shorts
15% (21) Skirt
47% (63) Long pants or jeans
12% (17) Dress

133 voters have answered this question.

Do you button your top button?

12% (14) Yes - polo
39% (43) Yes - shirt
56% (62) No

110 voters have answered this question.

If you do button your top button, why (I button my top button all the time - I'm just wondering why others do - if they do)

No graph available for this question

24 voters have answered this question.

Do you tuck in your shirt over the weekend or holdiadys

53% (61) Yes
46% (53) No

114 voters have answered this question.

If you don't button your top button - have you ever thought of - or would you

44% (31) No - and I wouldn't
21% (15) Yes - and i would
34% (24) No - but I might

70 voters have answered this question.

if you tuck in your shirt - at school, home, or wherever.....hippos high do you pull up your pants, or how high do you think you should pull them up

14% (13) They sit at my hips
68% (60) At my natural waist
17% (15) Above hips

88 voters have answered this question.

How old are you

3% (5) 10 and under
2% (3) 11
1% (2) 12
9% (12) 13
16% (22) 14
19% (26) 15
15% (20) 16
13% (18) 17
7% (10) 18
11% (15) 18+

133 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-04-22 03:14:53 by Rperson
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