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What should I wear to school?

I'm going to new school soon and there's a dress code for students. I have a friend on this school and he says that a lot of students violate dress code and almost nobody cares. The dress code is - white or grey long sleeved shirt, grey necktie, black dress pants and black vest. What should I wear?

What should I wear to school?

75% (22) Long sleeved dress shirt
58% (17) Necktie
75% (22) Dress pants
55% (16) Vest

29 voters have answered this question.

Sometimes, people wear something more/less than required - should I wear it too?

64% (18) Jacket/blazer
32% (9) Bowtie
67% (19) Belt
78% (22) Black polished shoes

28 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-04-22 12:32:49 by Dominn02
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