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Bicycle Collision

This is for research I am doing. Supposing you were a pedestrian and a cyclist (bicycle) collided into you where you suffered a minor injury but which turned out quite painful and took you some months to fully recover. The cyclist was totally at fault, and even if an accident like this did not cause you any financial loss, You may be entitled to some financial compensation. However you then find out that the cyclist has no accident insurance cover that would pay the compensation, though you could possibly sue the cyclist personally for financial compensation.

What further action would you take?

16% (7) Males aged up to 30 - None, I would just accept that this was an accident.
18% (8) Males aged up to 30 - Consider suing the cyclist for personal injury compensation.
4% (2) Males aged 31-45 - None, I would just accept that this was an accident.
4% (2) Males aged 31-45 - Consider suing the cyclist for personal injury compensation.
20% (9) Males aged over 45 - None, I would just accept that this was an accident.
9% (4) Males aged over 45 - Consider suing the cyclist for personal injury compensation.
4% (2) Females aged up to 30 - None, I would just accept that this was an accident.
4% (2) Females aged up to 30 - Consider suing the cyclist for personal injury compensation.
4% (2) Females aged 31-45 - None, I would just accept that this was an accident.
4% (2) Females aged 30-45 - Consider suing the cyclist for personal injury compensation.
2% (1) Females aged over 45 - None, I would just accept that this was an accident.
4% (2) Females aged over 45 - Consider suing the cyclist for personal injury compensation.

43 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-09-23 10:33:44 by Guy Mann
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