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kids getting a bath fully clothed

to find out how parents react if their kid were staying at their grand parent contacted them to ask if their kids could get a bath fully clothed in ther shoes and socks

do you have any kids

66% (4) yes
33% (2) no

6 voters have answered this question.

how aod are they

33% (2) under 8
16% (1) 8
16% (1) 9
50% (3) 10
33% (2) 11
50% (3) 12
33% (2) 13
16% (1) 14
33% (2) 15
16% (1) 16

6 voters have answered this question.

what gender are they

0% (0) boy
0% (0) girl
50% (3) all boys
33% (2) all girls
16% (1) mix of boys and girls

6 voters have answered this question.

if they wer staying at their grand parents and they asked their grand parent if they could get a bath fully clothed and their grand parents contacted you to ask if it was ok for your kids to get a bath fully clothed in their shoes and socks how woul you reacted

16% (1) I would tell them to let them do it
33% (2) i would tell them to tell them to take their shoe off and let them do it
16% (1) i would ask them to ask them why they wanted to do it and un less they had a good reason tell them on way
0% (0) i would the their grand parent it was up to them
33% (2) i would tell their grand parents no way
16% (1) thier grand parent would not contacted me they would make that dession them shelfs

6 voters have answered this question.

have your kids ever been staying at their grand parents and asked their grand parents if they can get a bath fully clothe in their shoes and socks and their grand parents contacted you to ask if they can do it

0% (0) yes once
16% (1) yes a few times
16% (1) yes they do it all the time
16% (1) not yet
50% (3) no nor would they

6 voters have answered this question.

if your kids have been staying at their grand parents and they have ask their grand parents if they can gat a bath fully clothed in their shoes and socks and their grand parents contacted you to ask if they could do it how did you react

16% (1) i told them to let them do it
33% (2) i told them to tell then to take their shoe off and let then do it my kids di as i had said
16% (1) i asked why they wanted to do it they had a good answer so i told them to let them do it
16% (1) i told them to tell them to take their shoes off and let themdo it they told them what i had said but they got in with their shoes on any way so i was not too botherd
0% (0) i asked wht they wanted to do it they did not have a good reason so i said no way
33% (2) i asked wht they wanted to do it theydid not have a good reason so i said no way but they did it any way so i was not botherd
16% (1) i told their grand parent it was up to them
33% (2) i said no way

6 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2017-12-06 03:08:19 by HOWARDTHEDUCK
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