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Yes Doorstep Loans

Doorstep loans are designed to offer lenders a convenient way of borrowing that isn't too overwhelming. All doorstep loans are a form of short-term borrowing, meaning the repayments will often be made within a 12-month period. https://www.yesdoorsteploans.co.uk/home-credit-loans/

Do you know what a home credit loan is? A) Yes. B) No. C) Not sure.

0 voters have answered this question.

If you needed funds in a pinch, where would you get them? A) I would borrow from credit card. B) I would take out a loan. C) I would ask my parents. D) Not sure as I have very few options. E) Does not apply.

0 voters have answered this question.

Have you considered getting a short-term loan before? A) Yes, but they are expensive. B) Yes, but I cannot afford to pay the entire amount all in one payment. C) No, I cannot find one with flexible repayment terms. D) No, I prefer not to borrow.

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2018-01-02 18:18:35 by Yes Doorstep Loans
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