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Comics Poll

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Into comics? Share your opinions, make a difference. Or not.

Do you really like comics? (If you don't why are you even taking this poll, heh?)

28% (7) Yes, I'm a collector
48% (12) Yes, I read a few
12% (3) No, I can't find them in my area
12% (3) No, I don't like them

25 voters have answered this question.

Which of these genres do you like?

37% (9) Manga
45% (11) Superhero
20% (5) Horror
20% (5) Underground
20% (5) Crime
29% (7) Science Fiction
20% (5) Pulp
29% (7) Humor
20% (5) Pornographic
20% (5) Other

24 voters have answered this question.

Which of these fantasy elements do you like in a comic book's storyline?

66% (16) Super powers
33% (8) Talking animals/anthropomorphism
33% (8) Vehicles that do not exist in the real world
41% (10) Otherworldly creatures (not neccesarily anthropomorphic)
33% (8) Time travel
33% (8) Space travel
50% (12) Alternate timelines

24 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-12-06 17:51:44 by visitorm23
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