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kids doing a spooncerd swim fully clothed in their shoes and socks

To find out how many parents would give permission for their chilled to do a sponcard swim fully clothed in their shoes and socks to raise money for their child's school fundsnb

How old is your child

8% (1) 5
8% (1) 6
16% (2) 7
16% (2) 8
25% (3) 9
33% (4) 10
25% (3) 11
16% (2) 12
16% (2) 13
16% (2) 14
16% (2) 15
25% (3) 16

12 voters have answered this question.

What gender are they

83% (10) Boy
33% (4) Girl

12 voters have answered this question.

Can they swim

100% (12) Yes
0% (0) No

12 voters have answered this question.

How would you react.if you child cam me home with a letter from their teacher saying that their class were going to be doing a sponcard swim fully clothed in their shoes and socks and asking for your permission.for your child to take part in it for school funds

33% (4) I would sit my child down and ask them if they wanted to do.it if they said yes I would give permission for them to do it
33% (4) I would give my permission and sit my child down and let them know what they were going to be doing
8% (1) I would sit my child down and see if they wanted to do it if they said no I would not give my permission
25% (3) I would find out from the other parents how many were giving permission for their child to do it if the magoraty were I would given my permission if they were not I would not
16% (2) I would give my permission only if other was no set number of lengths they had to do
0% (0) I would only give my permission if it was going to be well sniper vissed
16% (2) I woulld not.give my permission

12 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2018-09-07 02:08:26 by HOWARDTHEDUCK
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